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Showing posts from June, 2017

Hasta La Vista Baby - I'd be Back

This is the end of the road and I ain't coming back no more until it is all over. There is only one way and it is up, so watch your step for you ain't gonna fall. If you know that the exit is on the left, don't go on the right, you might hit a wall. That's being said. Marle's Feed is going to be down for a while, the battle is on to write more than 200 pages summarising 3 years of Ph.D life. As T-800 and T-850 once said Hasta La Vista Baby -  I'd be Back 

Single task

There is a skill that you want to acquire. You are aware it you will need more mental energy, space, time and possibly money to make its application smooth and seemingly endless. Yet, you are no willing to give up any time. You choose to multitask. The main issue is that it is not a focused way of acquiring a new skill and your other project are paying the price of your carelessness. You are taking twice as much time. Your mind is scattered . You are feeling tired. What is advisable then. Stop for an instant and focus your time and energy on one task only. You will be more efficient, faster, freer.

Creating Change - the 5 ingredients

To create change, 5 ingredients are needed: 1) Vision 2) Skills 3) Incentives 4) Resources 5) Action Plan Missing one of those key ingredients and we are heading to failure. No vision create confusion No skills raise frustration No incentives demotivate No  resources makes you anxious No action plan, a false start So thinking of what you want to achieve, what are you currently missing ?


There are tools to communicate - twitter, facebook, instagram, youtube, whatsapp, text, messenger, bloggerand many others. You try your best to understand what is the minimum you should per day share on each of those to support your projects. Youa re being told that we should actually develop a all communication plans and tweet away. You wonder is it necessary, is it really going to meet our goals. then you ask - what is the goal? To get more followers? This is not a SMART goal Co- Time to define it.
I am so frustrated. it is unbelievable to have to do it all over again in presenting my findings. I find it extreemely tiring. I am just upset to have to do it all over again and I have no way around. if you have no choice and have to do it. stop being upset and go through it. there is no way around it. - just do it. the longer you get upset about it, the longer it will take for you to actually get your findings sorted so just get a grip and doing all as quickly as possible.

Where all this time gone?

There is this major project you have been working on for the last three years. You are 6 month away to close it for good. You know you are capable of doing so but you find yourself looking back each day and thinking what did you do. This is the question - where is all this time gone? You put yourself through the task of timing yourself on each projects you are juggling on. Here is is your productivity is low - you spend approximately 4 hours a day on your major project 3 on the mundane - 4 hours on others project. Before you know it, you shattered. Time for review

You are ''It''

You have been looking though job description and you convinced yourself that you are not good enough for any of them. Yet, you have been working on various ventures, you have built up things from the ground up, others are aware of your value. Yet, you are certain that you will never fit in any of those descriptions, earn as much, succeed as much. The language they use is intimidating. You do not feel that any tasks actions you have complete could match their requirements. To boost your confidence up, you attend a career workshops. I am not the only one there, there are many others like me who have the skill, the training, the experience of dealing with compllicated projects and they do not feel that they are it. ''You are ''It'' the facilitator say ''Really?'' we wonder First action to take > to believe it. Results will follow through

Why make ot complocat d when it can be simple

The situation is as follow You realised that everything you thought to be true was just B.S. The realisation is getting you soooo angry. You are looking for someone to blame. Yet you know deep inside you should have listened to your gutfeeling and follow your intuition. Make it all simpler. Now you do not even know from where to start to make it all simpler. You just want to start all over again and make it simpler. Everything is tangled up. It does not make any sense and you do not know how you got there in the first place.all you want to make it simpler. Soooo much simpler. Why makong it complicated when it can be simpler....

Bored and at peace

The situation is as follow You have an appointment at 8.15pm every tuesday. To be on time, you have to leave work at 6.15. You are 45min early every single time What do you do. A) window shopping B) write and plan C) call D) meditate E) do nothing.... Why do you have to feel every single minite of your time. Learn to be bored and at peace

Just let it go - you are poorly

You put yourself forward to help hold a stall at an event, there will be another 4-5 people there throughout the day. You thought it will be important to share the words about a project you have been working on. There are a number of projects you are working on. Too many actually. It is ok though, you can manage. You developed all the leaflets, posters for the event, you even posted one tweet or two. Here it is, a day before the event, you are hit by an horrible cold, what do you do: a) still go to hold the stall the following day - just stuck it up. b) let your colleague know that you are feeling poorly, yet promise to drop the leaflets and posters. You choose a), you are feeling horrid all day, yet meet a lot of people and your colleagues are happy to see you although you complain all day that you are feeling crap. You choose b)  you still feel horrid, you feel like you have to do something to make it up for your absence. Just let it go - you are poorly and can't think s

Wisdom of the two drunk bus riders

1st one: 'Mrs, Excuse me, Mrs! you should not stand on a double decker bus on top of the stairs when is running. IF IT STOPS, you will fall! - the tall 50 years old black male shouted.  'You Have to be Careful'! 2nd one: 'Hey, Hey, tell me why no one speak to one another,  EVERYONE is on their phone, no one speaks to one another, Can you possibly tell me why? It is so sad' said the blond blue eye young man.

Looking for creative outlet

You can fell that you are bursting with creativity. You feel pressurized. You cannot find enough time and space to ler it all out. The day to day demand, the endless tasks of things to do for things you do not really care about weigh on you. You want to send it all to another universe. So you can bleed your heart out in things that you truly love. You feel some frustration as you are looking for ways to make this creativity to pay you in some ways. Some wages would be good. Just be patient it will all come eventually. Keep working your craft, discipline yourself, try to find in what bores you a thread of wisdom, find the details that will let your creatity express itself. It will all eventually settle itself. Patience is the way to go...