September is always a special month. It is the beginning of the artistic season. In our family, it was always the month when my father would also present a new production. Fo r the first time, In September, this year, I am delivering a show - an exhibition to be exact called Stor ies of Change. My brother is also opening the season with.a play called Catch! at Le Theatre de La Tempete directed by Clement Poiree and I shall join him in October to watch him. The old man would be proud! So yes, I feel supra connected to him this month at so many different levels. On the 6th September 2018, I wrote an article called Freedom Time - We heard you . about a message my father passed to me and my mother in his cloud. The article included my response to his message. He said: 'Why do you stay at home? You and Marie Toto. You have to come out of the house sometimes if you want to start collaborating with people.'' My response in summary was "at home I can be the whole me'...