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Showing posts with the label minimalism

The Bata Shoes, Comfortable Interview Partner, ready to be worn or upcycled, your inspiration

I cannot remember when I purchase those pumps. I remember to have worn them for job interviews They are associated with feelings of awkwardness and being tight in a suit. Once their deed was done, they were back into the cupboard. I must say they are terribly comfortable. I could keep them for the comfort. The knowing that I have some shoes for my next interview. Shall  I keep them for comfort? Shall I keep them for the next awkward interview in a suit? I have great comfort with the shoes I currently wear every single day. I am planning to have job interviews wearing comfortable clothes and no heels. A decision has been made. I have been thinking to maybe transformed them so I could keep them for longer. There are so many ways to embellish a pair of shoes Yet, I thought, I have already working on one art practice at the moment So here it is, in the spirit of transformation - some pair of shoes for you

You feel that there is enough to get around - well there is a treasure in your house

Have you ever heard about the girl who had a messy house and used to complain all the time because she did not have enough money, she did not have love, she did not have anything to go about. She fights with everyone to let them know how horrible life is and that we all have to fight to get what we want. Victim mentality at its best. She meets a woman with clairvoyant abilities. The woman tells her: ''there is a treasure in your house''. To get it, the girl got to clean her act and deal with the messy house. Before she knows it, she sells all the clutter and in her pocket find the treasure... The moral to the story is : You know what the solution is to your problem, maybe it is time to see it, if you can't, clean the stage and your act.

Responsibilities are Detachable so Start Cutting them off

Take a pen and paper.  Breathe and Ask yourself. What are all the responsibilities am I holding at the moment? Write it all down. Pause Order them into categories Breathe Ask yourself, Do I have too many stuff Too many possessionss too many projects too many commitments... Time to detach yourself from most of them Some you may not be able too. Other may appear unimportant and non urgent. Some may take time to get rid of but yet appear as priorities. Tag them and Simplify.  You will be better for it and a model for your peers to follow.

Minimalism & equality

Equality is a topic dear to my heart. The mental-ill of our society caused by the widening gap between rich and poor sickened me. Minimalism is a lifestyle I am passionate about. I want to believe that embracing it by letting go of the things that do not bring any value and focusing on what does, rich and poor can find a place for themselves... each one of us can build their own fish tank where their true self can shine through. i don't think gandhi jesus buddha, mohammed will disagree with me. ( here )

Missminimalist , Thank you

I was hooked to missminimalist blogs in the past four days, reading approximately 16 pages of individuals testimonies on how they started and enjoyed their minimalist journey. It opened my eyes on the endless minimalist lifestyles that any of us can implement. I admire the traveller, the spiritualist, the true materialist (as opposed to consumerist), the mindful, the artist, the mum, the dad, the designer who with intention choose to keep the things that add value to his/her life and get rid of the frivolous. Beyond just getting rid of things, there is not participating to our current wasteful society, it is recognising that we are all equal regardless of what we own and finally it is embracing freedom. It is why I love it. I encourage you to have a read/rid, I hope it will inspire you:

Notebooks - Minimalism

For some reasons, I have an extensive number of empty notebooks. From those I bought for projects I have never completed, those I made out of old envelops and those that were offered to me, I have at the moment 25 of them which are eager to be written on. My Options: - Give/Offer - Sell - Write Loads - Recycle (not an option) and this should be in combination with - asking friends, colleagues and family - 'I do not want to have anymore notebooks' - refusing notebooks - Never ever go again inside Paperchase (beautifully evil boutique) Give/Offer To be honest, i am not sure if I really want to give or offer them to someone who in the first place does not need it. It will feel as if I am offloading my things I do not want to someone who has already a clutter life. My option are therefore to put a notice on StreetBank and Freecyle. Sell My competition is high. Paperchase, WhsSmith but there is some nice outlets for selling them such as Amazon and Ebay. I will c...

Dealing with shoes - Declutter - Minimalism

It is now 6 weeks, I have been in the process of decluttering my home and achieve a minimalist lifestyle. The project 333 is going well. I still appreciate the emptiness of my wardrobe. Apart from all the stuff that has been given away or sold, I also purged my digital life. I feel freer from all the subscriptions coming in my inbox and do not watch TV no more. Calendar are also less filled with stuff and I can appreciate more time at home with those I love. Yesterday, I have done some positive procrastination reading missminimalist blog and it struck me... There is still... A problem....Shoes I am using currently 3 pairs of shoes for the  project 333  but I have still so many of them in bags in the shed. They have been there since we moved in the house as we did not have enough space to put them inside. I haven't counted them, there are many. It should be as easy to just chuck away the bag but I find difficulty to do that. I am thinking 'in case I need it for an ...

Can you live over 3 months with only 33 items in your wardrobe?

Can you live over 3 months with only 33 items in your wardrobe? If you are tempted follow the link to learn more - Click here It is now a couple of weeks I am doing the project 333. I went through my wardrobe, accessories, shoes and bags and selected 33 items to use for the next three months. It was easier than I thought probably because I was already wearing most of the time the same outfits.. Inconsciouly minimalist at heart... . I am becoming more enthused by minimalism and I shall be going to Birmingham to attend the Minimalists Tour on October 17th to hear about Josh and Ryan's journey. If you are planning to go too from Leicester, give me a shout. As a gift to you, few line of wisdom and all the best in your journey: Be content with what you have; rejoice in the way things are. When you realize there is nothing lacking, the whole world belongs to you. Lao Tzu