'' You have to Light a Match Under Your Dream'' she said. This was the line of the character Madam CJ Walker in Self-Made. It resonated so much with me that I had to stop the episode. What does she mean and what is my dream? There is more than one - sometimes too many to even be able to focus on one thoroughly. I decided to look through the internet to find out how one can possibly define their dream. I keep waking up each morning and find myself having a new dream for my life. Remnants of the past or the day before are still there. Yet new in-roads are created for me to move forward. I came across this article ''22 secrets to discovering your dream and living it'' I really did like Guy Kawasaki’s idea of creating a mantra as opposed to a mission statement for oneself. Other elements that appealed to me was to have one purpose and to ask ourselves what we would like to be remembered for when we die. it did sparked a lot of thoughts and then everything ...