Thank you for sending me an invitation to shop at Amazon Smile so that your charity can get pennies out of my purchase. I am appalled by the effort. I will make sure that you know the ten reasons why Amazon Smile does not make me smile. 1) Amazon does not pay their taxes appropriately in the UK to support vital services for people. Their scheme is a pittance compared to what they could contribute to the global society. They send gift hampers to our MPs to get more tax breaks. 2) Out of £1000 purchase, as a charity, you will get only £5. How sad? 3) Amazon subjects workers to poor working condition across the world. How can you as a charity demand social justice and yet spit on your efforts? 4) Your charity is eating away your supporters' desire to give more to you. They will feel like ''oh well I am buying through Amazon Smile so, I do not have to give more. It is another ''slacktivism'' example whereby people become less charitable because they get the fee...