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Showing posts with the label insomnia

Insomnia and Meat Consumption

3.22 am...I am awake My first thought: "you ate too much chicken. Your digestive system is out of wack" It had taken me many years to understand that the reasons why I have sleepless nights is related to constipation and ultimately linked to what I eat. From the moment, I reduced meat consumption and even eliminated for few weeks at time, I slept like a log. The impacts of insomnia on wellness and wellbeing is well known. So why do I keep indulging. I truly need to find a way of preparing meals that allows me to ever, never be tempted to eat the food prepared by others.

The Best of Yourself

4am Eyes wide open. My head spinning and murmuring: ''It is time to wake up and hammer the object of your desire from two different directions with bullets of Love and Joy'' I get up from the warm bed, walk up to my wardrobe, put a trouser on and a t-shirt. I move swiftly through the night like a cat at midnight looking for his lover. I boil some water to warm my spirit with a cup of tea. I enter the office by pushing the door slowly. So I can gently wake him up It is there inside the black box on the desk. I get naked in front of it every single day, It is the one for which I pour all my being into for hours and hours non-stop Time passes by and I see it when looking up the clock, it smiles gently at me with his 24hour teeth and asks everytime I see it: ''why are you naked in front of that thing my love? You shall be naked on the beach, the sun touching your breast, the wind caressing your hair, and the water resting in between her thighs. ...