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Showing posts from January, 2019

Walk Away

Sometimes you will voice your emotions and you will not receive any feedback. You may be ignored and receive a cold shoulder. It is a feedback. It is a silent treatment. An advice, accept it and walk away. More

First kiss

When did you first fell in love? What happened? My first love was Jeremy a sweet love until we were shamed in front of the whole class for inappropriate behaviour. We kissed

A beginning and an end

We envisioned a beginning and an end. Yet, we cannot focus. Time slow down. We cannot even witness the movement of things. Our mind make everything in life seems so heavy and difficult. How can we possibly liven it up? Please tell us

Taking the decision to heal oneself

We have taken the decision. We are healing ourselves and this every step of the way. * * * We have waited too long. Our soul needs some mending. We are distracted by the colour outside of ourselves.We cannot even paint the colours of the emotions running through our blood vessels. * * * We have taken the decision. We are taking a brush to fill the crack.

Seeing the truth

Today we saw the truth, yet we could not stop ourselves to live in a lie. * * * We shouted, cried, yelled, when we knew deep inside exactly what memories were triggered. We were blinded by anger. We broke the bond we had. The law of cause and effect is in motion. * * * Next time, we will follow our intuition and live truth closer to the surface.  It all begins now

The man of our dream

M:who is he?  Y: The man of our dream M: I see. The one who will break our heart Y: yes so we can start to love ourselves. So many dreaming away for their  #princesses  or  #princes  to come and scoop them away their  #misery . The Source of  #happiness  is already inside of us  Breathe  #joy , breathe  #love , breathe  #pleasant  life and do not let some  #spirits  of  #fantasy  take away a moment of your life. xxx-ooo

the valley of birds

It was a valley beyond reality where millions of birds lived. They were neither happy,neither sad, neither chirpy, neither angry. They were stuck in perpetual motion - unable to get attached to any person, place or emotions. I like to be like those birds. I want to fly away - xxx-ooo
He was crowned. He could not look behind him neither look forward. He kept looking on a side for more or to see where others were at. So he could put more jewels on his hat. If he could only see the monster feeding on its ambitions. If he could only look at me and see the bird showing us a path to paradise. He could realise i have a flower ready to bloom, it only needs the  sunshine of its gaze for it to blossom. xxx-ooo

playing with chocolate paste

black and tasty get a cold wash and lost her face. Reflection upon colourism when closed friends keep struggling to find a second half as they appear to be overperforming as black beautiful strong and beautiful women. They become Perfect for themselves away from male gaze and standard of beauty they'll never reach. xxx-ooo