Showing posts with label writing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label writing. Show all posts

Is Corbyn a vegetarian?

She is asked a question.
She needs to guess whether or not Jeremy Corbyn is a vegetarian.
Instinctively she wants to say yes.
Then, she realises two things. First, she is not certain that he is. Second, she recognises the person asking loves categorising people and have contempt for people  who cares about the environment, people like her. Whatever answer she gives, he will find a way to belittle her and she does not want to feel hurt and acts out.
She decided to say that she does not know for sure if he is and for that reason she is unable to give an answer.
He could read that she was withholding her guess and went on to give a tirade as to how he came to the conclusion that Corbyn is a vegetarian and then told her that she should not be scared to express what she feels.
She realised that she was not scared of expressing what she feels, what she did not want was to be put in a position where she will become aggressive and angry after being triggered by his taunts because truthfully she wants to keep him, she wants peace in her heart, she wants to feel love always.
She wants a miracle.


We have let fear of abandonment run in our psyche for too long. More

Walk Away

Sometimes you will voice your emotions and you will not receive any feedback. You may be ignored and receive a cold shoulder. It is a feedback. It is a silent treatment. An advice, accept it and walk away.


First kiss

When did you first fell in love? What happened? My first love was Jeremy a sweet love until we were shamed in front of the whole class for inappropriate behaviour. We kissed

Slightly Restless

We felt slightly restless. Once more. In our holographic plane, they appeared.


Can we grasp the significance of our lives?

We maybe unable to grasp the significance of our lives as yet. Only when we have finished the painting, we can appreciate its magnificence.


A beginning and an end

We envisioned a beginning and an end. Yet, we cannot focus.
Time slow down. We cannot even witness the movement of things. Our mind make everything in life seems so heavy and difficult.
How can we possibly liven it up? Please tell us

Taking the decision to heal oneself

We have taken the decision. We are healing ourselves and this every step of the way.
We have waited too long. Our soul needs some mending. We are distracted by the colour outside of ourselves.We cannot even paint the colours of the emotions running through our blood vessels.
We have taken the decision. We are taking a brush to fill the crack.

Seeing the truth

Today we saw the truth, yet we could not stop ourselves to live in a lie.
We shouted, cried, yelled, when we knew deep inside exactly what memories were triggered. We were blinded by anger. We broke the bond we had. The law of cause and effect is in motion.
Next time, we will follow our intuition and live truth closer to the surface. 
It all begins now


I can feel them haunting my heart back and forth.
I just want to fly away.
Can they help me


The suit

I want a special one.
A suit that reveal my superpower.
Time to make it


"What does climate justice mean to you?"my response

  For   #biggreenweek   #climatejusticeconversation   "What does climate justice mean to you?" asked Climate Actio Leicester Leice...