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Criticism of Utilitarianism - link Problem : Consider the following two cases: 1. Elderly Aunt Molly is ill. Nephew Tom visits her and helps her because he loves her. Nephew Bob visits her and helps her because he hopes to be rewarded in her will. Nephew Dave visits her and helps her not because he desires to help but because he believes it is his duty. (Modified Version of case by Bowie and Beauchamp,  Ethical Theory in Business  (Englewood Cliffs: Prentice-Hall, 1979) 16-17. 2. A two-year-old is drowning. Ruth flings caution aside because she desires to save the child and jumps in, but she cannot swim. Thus, she fails to save the child. Sue can swim, but is afraid that the child will pull her under. She does not save the child. The consequences were the same in each case, but the motives of the agents were different. According to utilitarianism, each person's action was of the