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Showing posts from February, 2012

When low self-esteem is always on the corner

Self-esteem is a term used to describe an individual's sense of worth or personal value. Low self-esteem can impacts an individual performance when studying, working, managing their personal affair or relationships. For me, low self-esteem is always on the corner, and everyday I need to work at it. let me tell you what causes low self-esteem, my personal stint with self-esteem and how I try to fight it off every single day. What causes low self-esteem? The way a person feels about themselves is linked directly to their experiences and how they deal with situations : Unsupportive family and carers play an influential role Friends with negative influence Stressful life events such bereavement, moving houses, relationship problems, losing a job  Ongoing stress Poor study or work performance Mental health problems Physical health problems Financial issues bullying or abused loneliness ongoing medical issues Experiencing prejudice, discrimination sigmas What's it

My Cranfield University Review

Cranfield University is a post-graduate only university situated between Bedford and Milton Keynes.  I completed at Cranfield University a Mdes in Design for Innovation and Sustainability in their Centre for Competitive Design between 2011-2012. I was elected as the first Green Officer for the Student Union. I lived on Campus. What were the reasons I chose to study at Cranfield University? Dr Justyna Rybicka completed the same Master at Cranfield a year prior to me, and she encouraged me warmly to attend the university. I was fascinated by the master topic. I was at the time at the University of Northampton scrutinising the reasons why consumers consume so much knowing that the rest of the world is in a pitiful state through a marketing degree. The perspective of understanding further design processes and ways of developing sustainable products were appealing. How was your experience at Cranfield University? My experience was OK. I made some good friends, leading me to do a mas