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Creating your business in a oil-depleted world

Humans are known to not being very good at imagining the future, particularly in the face of oil depletion and environmental degradation. We can possibly think retrospectively about the past and get inspired by others to create our own venture. However, will our blueprint of existing organisations really respond to the challenges of the future?

In the latest Museletter of Richard Heinberg, Want to change the world? Read this first, a special message to would-be social changers is given if they want to stay relevant in a world where oil is no more the main resources driving the show. Our worldview, technology and institutions are currently geared up by the available energetic resources but if those disappear, what does it mean politically, economically, religiously etc... What does this mean for your business? Localised distributed system is highlighted to be the way forward. Are you preparing yourself to be closer to your customers and suppliers?

I'll encourage anyone of you to have a read. It is a quite heavy but has some really useful ways at looking at change and the last section starting with the text 'Here's my last big take-away message for would-be social changers:' confirms what kind of social action is required.

Museletter of Richard Heinberg, Want to change the world? Read this first


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