In the summer edition of Transition Free Press, I read an article written by Charlotte Du Cann about the Restart Project.
Hence I will be looking into the particular issue of getting electrical goods back for re-manufacturing from next year onward, I found the initiative absolutely fascinating. Watching Jane Gunter talking about her initiative in TedX talk in Brixton (click here for a video) inspired me as such initiative redefine our direct interactions with people around us and our relationship with our stuff!
So here is my call:
Hence I will be looking into the particular issue of getting electrical goods back for re-manufacturing from next year onward, I found the initiative absolutely fascinating. Watching Jane Gunter talking about her initiative in TedX talk in Brixton (click here for a video) inspired me as such initiative redefine our direct interactions with people around us and our relationship with our stuff!
Now, I want to start repair parties in the Leicestershire but for this I need some volunteers with energy and skills to share.
So here is my call:
For handy, ingenious individuals in Leicester and its surrounding area, shall we have a REPAIR PARTY?
If you want to volunteer, put comments in the box below and/or send me a direct message on twitter @mlgisfree
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