Zone 00 is an attempt in Permaculture design to describe the self in vast system divided in zones.
If you were to redesign your garden for example, zone 5 could be the area for the wildlife to strive whilst zone 0 could be your house.
Zone 00 is personal and is defined by our actions, experiences, choices.
The question was asked if we had to take away from the zone 00:
- the most important relationship we have
- the object we most cherish
- the best memory we have
- the favourite part of our body
What would be left?
Some answered a feeling of pain and isolation. Other answered the soul and/or essence. I thought for a moment. For me the answer was an idea.
N'oubliez pas que dans le mensonge, il y a le songe mais dans la verité il n'y a pas grand chose
Do not forget that in a lie (fabrication), there is a fiction (a dream) but in the truth, there is nothing much.
The realisation of the truth give us greater freedom in creating our own reality. The story we tell ourselves when making hard choices is probably the most important tool we have. With it, we gain greater emotional resilience to start any grand scheme and battle.
Enjoy your gift!
Make your zone 00 your fish tank in the deep sea of possibilities...
If you were to redesign your garden for example, zone 5 could be the area for the wildlife to strive whilst zone 0 could be your house.
Zone 00 is personal and is defined by our actions, experiences, choices.
The question was asked if we had to take away from the zone 00:
- the most important relationship we have
- the object we most cherish
- the best memory we have
- the favourite part of our body
What would be left?
Some answered a feeling of pain and isolation. Other answered the soul and/or essence. I thought for a moment. For me the answer was an idea.
N'oubliez pas que dans le mensonge, il y a le songe mais dans la verité il n'y a pas grand chose
Do not forget that in a lie (fabrication), there is a fiction (a dream) but in the truth, there is nothing much.
The realisation of the truth give us greater freedom in creating our own reality. The story we tell ourselves when making hard choices is probably the most important tool we have. With it, we gain greater emotional resilience to start any grand scheme and battle.
Enjoy your gift!
Make your zone 00 your fish tank in the deep sea of possibilities...
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