It is great when you have a title, it gives a splash of your awesomeness in the face of your interlocutor.
I am 'Consultant Associate'. I am 'Customer InSight Officer'. I am 'Data analyst Manager'... (in your face).
Where do I work? I am a flexi-travelling worker. I mainly work from home. BUT, I also work in various places in the Midlands (Leicester, Northampton), also London, I jet set to Paris and Amsterdam sometimes... (splash in your face)...
Those two questions are set to gauge both interlocutors' status. It is quite sad, the longer the title and list of places you go to, the more you appear awesome. Truth to be told, I love working from home and have a family to come back to after a long day making decisions.
In my own perspective, the question should be reframed to 'What are you passionate about?'
At least, you will connect more deeply to the person you are talking to and find more things in common with this particular. Let's reframe the way we communicate to one another to truly be and together.
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