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Showing posts from February, 2015

Je suis MARIE and I am FREE

The terror attacks in Paris happened beginning of January 2015 - CharlieHebdo  - . It was shock for us all. Then, the news frenzy started. Full coverage, TV panels. There were also the Youtube videos, the online articles and the Facebook news feed.  Were you squashed emotionally? I personally was.  The news feed on Facebook was full of hatred, fear and anger with endless discussion on pros and cons of free speech, satirical images, islam. Television broadcasting does quite well in sharing information. Furthermore, it is important to recognise that there are also some really good reporters and panellists on my list of contacts and I am sure in yours too. After reflection, I was not pleased with my own actions in the digital space. I am also a contributor, I am guilty and addicted. Freedom had to be taken back. I left my contemplation. I spent the evening with my nephews. They asked me for a story before going to bed. I told them the story of the Jackal and the Giraffe . They smiled. I t

Home Energy, Footpaths Challenge - Monitoring Energy Consumption

According to the Energy Saving Trust you could find that your energy usage drops by between  five and 15%  in the first year of using an energy monitor, which could be a saving of £25 to £75 on a £500 bill. I am following the homework of the Footpaths book as promised in previous post ( here ).  I set myself to read my meters every week to monitor my energy consumption. It is tedious.  I tried twice to make it an habit. I fell miserably. Reading is not really the issue but accessing the meter might be the issue. I better put my shoes elsewhere and learn to squat.  I recognise that for changing you have to recognise first your pattern of behaviour.  The truth of the matter is that I do not know exactly how bad we behave in our household. Badly, most probably.  Example - I spent most of the day in my warm gown with a hat on. The heaters  were off. Then family came back home in the evening. I went to the kitchen to cook. I came out of the kitchen, got into the living room. The temperature

Communicating the illegal and the illegitimate

Am I illegal and illegitimate if I exist?  I am legal and legitimate because I am. I am communicating my legitimacy and legality by my presence. The questions arise when looking upon others' eyes.  Can they see me on the horizon? Do they pay attention?  Is it really necessary for me to shout out that I am here?  Do I have to bark to express my individuality, be it through writings, design, marketing or any other art form? Do I have to crush their worldviews to give prominence to mine? Why would I do so? Status? Love?  The search is set to stop when being I with others.  How would I unite my worldviews with those of others without crushing their aspirations or mine?  How can we break together rules, create new ones in peace and harmony?  Communication is not the goal. Unity and Harmony is. Unite with nature.  Unite with people. Unite with things. Unite with I to be stronger andresilient, to live in harmony with one's self.

Change begins with forgiveness

Forgiveness  of self involves a  change  in how we view ourselves. Instead of feeling a lot of guilt, shame, and anger toward ourselves, we  begin  to replace those feelings with empathy, compassion, and love toward ourselves. Our view of self  begins  to shift.

Love can transform you - "Riquet with the Tuft"

A fairy gives an ugly prince named Ricky the gift of conferring wit upon the one he loves the best. Prince Ricky of the Tuft comes to a kingdom with two princesses. The elder one is beautiful but unintelligent and the younger one is intelligent but ugly. The elder princess is saddened that her ugly but smart sister receives more attention than her. One day as the elder princess was going for a walk in the forest to ease her sorrow, she is approached by Ricky who had fallen in love with her after seeing portraits of her that circulated. Ricky asks how a person so beautiful as she can be so sad, to which she responds that she is sad because she is beautiful but lacks intelligence. Ricky then bestows the gift of intelligence on the elder princess for a promise of marriage. A year later, Ricky comes to marry her. She refuses on grounds that he cannot hold her to a promise made before she gained her wisdom. The princess then tells him that she was gifted at birth with the power to transform

Moving out

I am taking my life back into my control. It is what I believe to say the least. I decided to move to a new place so I can focus solely on my thesis. The little did I know, that this experience would change my life.

The fine line between envy and admiration - final iteration

As promised, my final iteration of the writing game on envy and admiration I am I through all time I glimpse the truth when opening I I travel, connect, transform through I I am Beautiful always I feel I let I dream

Home Energy, Footpaths Challenge

I have taken upon the challenge to write every week over 5 weeks a small article on my journey in reducing my carbon footprint. Footpaths, a community carbon reduction initiative in Leicester called for challengers and I responded to the call. As I looked upon my computer screen, I wondered what I possibly could write about. I completed the Footpaths 8 week session last year. Since then, I got myself a bicycle, I am travelling to work back and forth on it, offered one to my partner for Christmas, produced a lot more vegetarian meals but yet have to convince meat eaters at home, controlled a lot better my finances and got out of debt, open a bank account with an ethical bank, engage myself in reducing clutter and started to buy food from an organic cooperative. There are still things that I need to do. There always things that need to be done. Sometimes, I just do not want to look upon this particular list of things to do. My main hurdle is Home Energy. We all know home are at the centr

The fine line between envy and admiration - A little writing game

Envy (noun) =  a feeling of discontented or resentful longing aroused by someone else's possessions, qualities, or luck. Admiration (noun) =  something regarded as impressive or worthy of respect. It is a human tendency to envy  others for what they possibly represent. The more we think of others, insecurity can possibly sit in. Disconnection between them and us become even more tangible as emotions are embellishing the illusions. The mind is the biggest manipulator we have probably ever met. There is nevertheless a fine line between envy and admiration. It is worth contemplating the true nature of your inner arguments. Admiration by William Adolphe Bouguereau Play a game of multiple iterations with me for a second. Pick a pen and paper First Iteration - Start with I am envying this person (name) because - write why you envying this particular person - Ask yourself if you know or saw the whole truth about this person's life - Pause Second iteration - Replace I am envying with I