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Opening the well of world

It was just supposed to be another day at work. I had a list of things to do and I was set to do it. I know I get distracted there and then but still manage to pursue my goals. I had also a lot of my plate but I tried my best to keep it lock up in a suitcase in a bank of my brain.
Unfortunately, around 1pm, I receive a message from a friend of mine. She is asking me whether she can call me to get some help with her thesis. I look at my work, I look at the phone, I look outside. Work is boring, the phone is a window to a new world, outside is sunny.
I lock my computer, I grab the phone and head out in the sunshine.
We talk, I advise her and then she asks how are you? how is life going? Bad questions, she is so nice I just want to vomit all my pain. I do in details, sharing my tale...

Once upon a time in a Kingdom far far away lived in a castle, King Fabius and her fidel servant Lokua. Lokua was called a servant to slightly dignify her but was in reality a slave. Fabius brought her back with him from a far away land. He loved her very much as much as he loved himself for all the bad things he did in his life Her she was beautiful and strong physically but the time she spent with the king made her mentally weak . He was a narcissus poisoning the people around him as all his demands made the people around him obsessed to serve him to the point they were forgetting themselves. The slave had for a long time forgotten herself and could not see any means to escape. When, she tried to revolt the abuse from the king was so important that she feared from her life and lost all confidence in her ingenuity,. rationalise the issue, promising herself to change and stayed with her master. Then, once day, her master fell ill. Whilst many in the kingdom saw this has an opportunity to escape. Lokoua could not bring herself to leave, not yet. As much as she hated him, she was scared of the life she would have if he was gone. So she prayed, look for doctors to save him, talked to all individuals in the castle for help and support to the point that people started to avoid her. Where to turn Lokoua ask herself. Who could save the king? Who could save her?


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