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Showing posts from October, 2017

Tim Minchin - No sense, all is meaningless

Tim Minchin (Thanks Simon) - Click here His advice to graduates on how "to be" is funny, inspiring, beautiful and real. To sum it up very very simply, he says: 1. You don't have to have a dream. 2. Don't seek happiness. 3. Remember, it's all luck. 4. Exercise. 5. Be hard on your opinions. 6. Be a teacher. 7. Define yourself by what you love. 8. Respect people with less power than you. 9. Don't rush. Listen to these words of wisdom, and you might just get through life perfectly...Or at least, kind of unscathed.

Snowball, non-violent civil disobedience campaign in the UK

It was at first difficult to get into ' Snowball, the story of an non-violent civil disobedience campaign in the UK'. The first few chapters highlight the purpose of the campaign (nuclear disarmement) and provide information on the spreading of american military operation in the UK. I was uplifted though by the campaigners' sense of responsibility in breaking the law for the protection of our planet and residents. The book was written in the 80's but as the war still strive in our world, I cannot stop hearing some echoes. Some Links:

Mobile Phone, Joy & Pain

Relying on one single device AKA phone to do multiple tasks is at first appealing: Calling texting, messaging, twitting, facebooking, youtubing, whatsapping, deezering... But it can be also a real source of frustation and suffering AKA Pain First, your phone cannot stop fidgeting and tweeting like a bird... It is not in a tree doing so. It is on your lap and all it wants is to be soothed. What a great source of distraction to be all the time connected to this devil child. The other thing, it bugs and freezes when it decides to reject your attention. What a chocolate? I found myself starting an application, the latter closed as if my phone did not want to speak to me. One day, I decided to remove Facebook. My phone started to misbehave. I decided to remove it because I do not like the idea that they can log what I am browsing online through my device  (read carefully details when updating the app on your phone, you will be surprised). When disablong the app, a message