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Mobile Phone, Joy & Pain

Relying on one single device AKA phone to do multiple tasks is at first appealing:

Calling texting, messaging, twitting, facebooking, youtubing, whatsapping, deezering...

But it can be also a real source of frustation and suffering AKA Pain

First, your phone cannot stop fidgeting and tweeting like a bird...
It is not in a tree doing so.
It is on your lap and all it wants is to be soothed.
What a great source of distraction to be all the time connected to this devil child.

The other thing, it bugs and freezes when it decides to reject your attention. What a chocolate?
I found myself starting an application, the latter closed as if my phone did not want to speak to me.

One day, I decided to remove Facebook. My phone started to misbehave.

I decided to remove it because I do not like the idea that they can log what I am browsing online through my device  (read carefully details when updating the app on your phone, you will be surprised).

When disablong the app, a message appeared  saying that some applications will misbehave if I disable facebook as it is an inbuilt app of my phone.

I felt trapped by facebook and android as a whole.

So to avoid any such pain, sing for yourself, connect with people for real and get a phone that just call and text, it will reduce the suffering :p


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