Movement of zero waste bloggers, forums of discussion is everywhere to be found.
They probably multiply faster than the waste in your home.
Because it is time to take responsibilities for the plastic, fabric and other material resources in our home.
If you do not need those stuff, why have it in the first place? Bin your bin instead.
You cannot yet.
Start easy and follow the 5 Rs. In order:
Refuse what you do not need.
Reduce what you do not need
Reuse by using reusable
Recycle what you cannot refuse, reduce or reuse
Rot (compost the rest)
and if it is too hard to do it on your own, join others on a journey of self-discovery.
My own journey started with Footpaths, a carbon reduction programme, which allowed me to meet people and get support to reduce my personal footprint. Waste was part of the course and well did I change indeed. Have a look.