Transition Leicester is a network of local people that aims to inspire action to make Leicester a thriving, low-carbon and resilient. It was created in 2008. It launch several projects promoting local food, renewable energy Permaculture design and more.
I joined Transition Leicester in 2012 after finishing my master degree and moving to Leicester. During my studies, I was introduced to the Transition movement as a model supporting the transition towards a sustainable system of production and consumption and after my master thesis and the clear disenchantment I experienced after my interviews, I wanted to understand the role of grassroots communities in supporting change. When I first joined, I worked on a project about the money system by creating a local group for Positive Money, organising events and discussion as well as workshops in collaboration with Footpaths Leicester (a project which also started under Transition Leicester). My conversation with Footpaths Leicester led to the organisation of the Green Festival of Making and Mending and the creation of Leicester Fixers, a project that still sit under Transition Leicester.
Joining Transition Leicester and meeting with like minded individuals was a great opportunity to build my confidence and self-esteem as a person especially after my master degree at Cranfield University and it was a lease of life while working as a customer insight officer at Melton Borough Council.
As of today, I am still a steering group member. I encourage people to join and ask for support people with new environmental projects to be delivered in Leicester. If you are interested in starting your own project, do not hesitate to get in touch.
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