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When low self-esteem is always on the corner

Self-esteem is a term used to describe an individual's sense of worth or personal value. Low self-esteem can impacts an individual performance when studying, working, managing their personal affair or relationships. For me, low self-esteem is always on the corner, and everyday I need to work at it. let me tell you what causes low self-esteem, my personal stint with self-esteem and how I try to fight it off every single day. What causes low self-esteem? The way a person feels about themselves is linked directly to their experiences and how they deal with situations : Unsupportive family and carers play an influential role Friends with negative influence Stressful life events such bereavement, moving houses, relationship problems, losing a job  Ongoing stress Poor study or work performance Mental health problems Physical health problems Financial issues bullying or abused loneliness ongoing medical issues Experiencing prejudice, discrimination sigmas What's it