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An Evening with Leicester Positive Money

Once in while Positive Money Leicester meet up. It was long time. It finally happened.


A year ago, we had our first Positive Money Leicester event - People & Money -with a panel of individuals sharing with us the impact of money creation on society, the impact of policy making on the livelihood of individuals, the impact of corruption and tax havens , the law and meaning of money.

Six month ago, we had a workshop on the Ethics of Money exploring the relationship with money and a lot of tips on how to live with less of it and enjoying life more.

A month earlier, Money Creation and its impact on society was debated in the House of Commons. Conservative, Labour, Greens, UKIP etc. question the impact of money creation by private entities on society. It was like Christmas in the middle of November for me. all at the results of the immense efforts of social activators throughout the UK interested in Money issues.

Two weeks ago, I have sent an email with excitement to all Leicester Members to have a coffee in Green Oasis to cheer for the debate and discuss what next

Thursday, Yesterday, was the day of our meeting

Discussion topic of the evening

Art, Advertising, Politics and Activism
To which extent the political role of art has been diluted was one the question we asked ourselves?

Various perspectives were given to the subject without any academics references but who said that citizens could not be philosopher without a Ph.D. One argued that the attractiveness to art degree produced a tremendous amount of artists who were looking a lot like one another. At the end of their studies, many ended up in advertising and marketing agencies using their talents and ideas at the profit of others. Whilst art lost its credentials as a powerful force to contradict status quo, advertising became almost better than art supporting the vested interests of large corporations. It could be a possibility. I do not know. Others suggested that whilst art disappeared, activists and campaigning groups were not using effectively and efficiently advertising tools. They even say that the impact of communication campaign is not effective. Face-to-Face interaction to build community has more impact. It could be true. Further was added, the saddest things is that large corporations to find their gap on the market do large semiotic analysis to understand how they can compete against their competitors but also understand the deep-seated value important for their consumers. How could they have the full picture when all community groups and other social activist do not communicate through images? It is a question. To which extent community groups are dismissed by large corporations in the marketing analysis? To which extent corporations are blindfolded by what is happen in the other  reality?

For those living in the midlands, there will be interesting series on art and politics at Loughborough University. Check it out

Role of Comedians and Poet and Politics

In France, Moliere used to write satire to mock the ruling power, king queen churches doctors etc.
Coluche, founder of the Resto du Coeur and great comedian also challenged status quo. He even run for presidency.
In England, there is Russell Brand with his Trews and probably many others who use humour to take us beyond the boundaries we have ourselves created.

Semantics, Money Creation, Banks and Society

The question is:

What is the difference between lending a customer money and a customer depositing money to the bank?



When the bank lend money to a customer, the bank deposity money into the customer account.
When the customer deposit money into the bank account, the customer lend money to the bank.

'The 'Account' is only an interface helping the circulation of money in a system. creating both asset and liabilities equal to each other on the balance sheet. 
By creating liability on one side, asset are created on the other side >> Money is created
By reimbursing liability on one side, asset are destroyed on the other side>> Money is destroyed

Simple accounting.

The way we use words and the meaning we attribute to them has to be closely scrutinise. Our compliance was suggested to be at a result of the social conventions associated with those words that we have learnt. The collective knowledge of those conventions is so ingrained that we cannot even recognise when two things are the same thing.

House of Commons, Positive Money, Debate Money Creation and Impact on Society

This year is a special year. Between The Bank of England confirming that Money is being created through loans made by private banks and the debate brought in the house of commons after more than an 100 years on the impact of money creation on society (Watch the video). It is incredibly exciting. It will get the ball rolling for academics, researchers, policy makers, financial analysts, businesses, homeowners who have big mortgages to question the situation we are in.

Since money is not backed up by gold standard (Collapse of Bretton Woods). Money is a currency which loses value every instant. Watch the video Rich Dad Poor Dad, he will tell you all about it if you do not want to get in too much economic jargon with the positive money book. Nevertheless, whilst money lost its credentials, promises to pay (back loan) did not change in nature at all as much as deeds from the bank. Ultimately considering the large inflation in prices for houses, anyone can wonder where the money is coming from and secondly the validity of a promise to pay back a loan. Why would you pay a loan back if the money is created out thin air?

And More...
Law, Health and Safety, Poverty, Science, Religion, Terrorism, Spirituality were covered over the evening.

Shake yourself out from the poor collective knowledge we have of economics and learn some more!
For more information about the money system please visit Positive Money website, read the book, set up a reading group, read some more, share it with your friends and if you are in Leicester, drop me an email. 
We have informal discussion with members of Positive Money Leicester time to time. 
We meet at the Green Oasis on London Road, a little philosophical paradise in the midst of the city.

Drop your comments!


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