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Cash in Cash out

The analysis of my bank statement made me see how much I am taking out from the bank in cash but did not tell me exactly on what I was spending all of it in. So with my lovely spreadsheet, I have tracked over a month period, how much I was spending in cash and on what.

Good News Or Bad News? £363.59. It is approximately 25% of what I receive per month more or less. 

No surprise

I was not surprised with the money I spent on outings because it was all planned for and I actually spent less than expected. Food was almost the budget I planned for the month £50. Cash for my personal development was also planned for which is good... However

It could have been a lot less...

If only I
- did not have lost my bus pass £60 BOOM
- used other buses than the one I purchased my pass from because I missed the last one >> £7.1
- did not have bought too many take away, chocolate bar and pastry > £30

It would have been about 265.9

For the lost bus pass, tough I guess...

but the war against take aways and chocolate bar have now started...You could tell me £30 pound is not that much >> it is approximately 360 per year. It is more than one settlement for my monthly loan reimbursement.


The Vending Machine at Work
Likely to be approached around 10-11am
because I am so hungry and
do not have any snacks with me or
worse I forgot my lunch

What Am I likely to buy at the vending machine

When I live work, here come my second enemy... waiting for the bus feeling starved again>>

Then there is the odd weekend but more likely I forgot my pack lunch or did not make it to go to work with sooo >>

Alright there are three points in the day where I am likely to buy those things >> morning crave, lunch crave, and afterwork crave. Solution 3 Fruits + AFTER YOU FINISH YOUR DINNER, PACK YOUR LUNCH.


  • Tracking your spending over a month period is a good way to understand how and where you spend.
  • when you identify an issue, map your journey, identify why you have behave a certain way. 
  • Then Develop YOUR solution
  • Also add those miscellaneous spendings into your budget. Now that it is identified, it has to be budgeted for...

Et voila Cherrios


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