I just wanted to share an extract of a recent article I've read on Linken In (Click here for full article) about a graduating mba delivering an extroardinary speech at Harvard graduation ceremony. It is uplifting in many ways. Yes, we should not pursue those long studies to just be the slave of envy and desires. Yes, we have to strive to be the poet and entrepreneur of freedom, love and peace for those who stand by us and for those to come after us regardless of the recognition and/or credit we might not get and the odds we might encounter because the world depends on us.
“As we leave this place for the last time, some as Baker Scholars and some by the seat of our pants, we take up the work of not just making a living but of making a life. For if all we have learned here are Four Ps, and Five Forces and Six Sigma, we will prove William Faulkner right, that we labor under a curse, that we live not for love but for lust, for defeats in which nobody loses anything of value, for victories without hope, and worst of all without pity or compassion, that our griefs grieve on no universal bones, leaving no scars, that we live not from the heart but from the glands.
“No, my friends, we have more work to do, hard work, frightening work, uncertain work and unending work, work that may test us, work that may defeat us, work for which we may not get the credit but work for which the whole world depends. The time is short and the odds are long but I believe that we are ready nonetheless, with the love of those who raised us, with the lessons of those who taught us, with the strength of those who stand beside us as we face what lies ahead. I say let us begin.”Casey Gerald, 2014
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