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Showing posts from December, 2014

Changing our in

Shall we strive to change our interactions with product through design intention? Shall we strive to change our way of thinking through product interaction Shall we strive to change our way of thinking through system design Shall we strive to give the tool for changing our way of thinking? The proverb give to human the tool for them to learn to fish rather than giving them the fishes

Dave's Leicester Comedy Festival 2015, Chris Purchase and my obsessive kettle

I have been sending emails to an incredible number of UK comedians to promote the Green Festival of Making and Mending at the Dave's Leicester Comedy's Festival 2015 . I must say that most comedians I know are Gad El Maleh, Jamel Debouzze and other French International comedians such as Russell Brand. So it feel good to extend my horizon. After about 40 emails sent, I received my first answer from Chris Purchase , check me out!  How snuffed I was. I did it!  congratulating myself excitedly. My hands in the hair, scratching the surface of my brain, I have linguistic persuasive email power ( Yes you do in a Stallone Voice). It took me a while to reply as I chose to procrastinate writing this blog post instead. What could I respond to him after asking him if he would make one or two positive jokes on making and mending at his show on the 21st of February 2015 ( more info and to book ), promoting in turn our endeavour. See, he replied (rewrote for the purpose of this post):   '

Festive Season with Transition Leicester - Wishing Leicester's cyclists A 'Wheelie' good Xmas

One of Transition Leicester 's vision for Leicester in 2030 is to have the necessary infrastructures to encourage people to leave their cars and use other means of transports.    In this beautiful festive season, a small action to meet this vision was to thank the existing cyclists for riding their bicycle amongst the roaring cars and humming pedestrians.  Random acts of kindness can be simple as making some tags with some recycled christmas cards, paper cards, repurposed wool' strings and a bit of writing inspirations and some smiling volunteers.    30 bicycles were tagged. Good things!  Have a 'Wheelie' good Christmas and Ride Happily within the New Year. Drop some comments

Random discussion about broken stuff

Random Interview with individuals I was talking with the friend of my dad and he was telling me that his toaster broke down and he looked at some other ones to replace it but it got him so upset that he decided to repair it by himself my brother have an xbox which give him trouble to read blu ray. he explained to me that he was becasue he bought one of the first one which tend to have some issue for customers to find out and report in order to make the next version a lot better. he said that he has a warranty to send it back but for the moment he does with it because it is a little bit of an hassle to send it back Site I fix it Ilivier spoke to me about some high quality sounding system which have been thought to be able to upgrade themselves overtime when new digital configuration are being designed there is a 5 year warranty on all product Various groups I spent a night with Sarah friends who were very much attached to aesthetic stuff on one stide , material needs, the pleasure given

Restart Party in leicester

Dissassembly Workshop - Educating the Users Toshiba hold workshops wherein children take apart household appliances and personal computers. Our purpose is to let children experience how interesting and mysterious science is, and feel the fun of manufacturing. As volunteer Toshiba Group employees who take part as the "Disassembly Doctors" give guidance in how to use tools and how the product mechanisms work, the children proceed to disassemble products that are no longer usable for shop displays or other such purposes. The children start out being assigned problems by the Doctors so that they can be aware of the operation of the parts as they proceed with the disassembly. After they have taken the products apart, they separate out the materials by plastic, metal, and so on, to also learn about recycling. These workshops were held a total of 26 times from 2005 to the end of FY2012. The employee volunteers have also started a Disassembly Workshop Promotion Working Group that has

An Afternoon Browsing - When Art speaks - Luis Quildes

An afternoon working from home and I came accross Luis Quildes. Quildes' visuals highlight with beauty and cynicism various perverse and violent aspects of our society. Thanks to Hitek for sharing. if you want to see more of Luis Quildes, go on Deviantart . For more discussion on the role of art - check here  Do not forget to share ;) Drop me some comments!

A Conversation with a social inhibitor

Tonight, I had a conversation with a social inhibitor --- It happens all the time that someone do not agree with you on something or does not have the same worldview as you What can you possibly do? Negotiate and discuss with civility It does not have to result in an agreement but at least each of you would have raised his own voice --- It is harder when you are with a social inhibitor -- Who is a social inhibitor? My definition is : Someone who completely denigrate a ounce of humanity in some individuals because they have different attributes, characteristics than their own. What can you do? Highlight than they are being discriminatory and leave them to think about their attitude and behaviour. If they do not change, what can you do? just keep telling them when their behaviour is inappropriate. if you are getting tired, cut the tie. if you are not... --- Any ideas? Drop your comments

An Evening with Leicester Positive Money

Once in while Positive Money Leicester meet up. It was long time. It finally happened. --- A year ago, we had our first Positive Money Leicester event -  People & Money  -with a panel of individuals sharing with us the impact of money creation on society, the impact of policy making on the livelihood of individuals, the impact of corruption and tax havens , the law and meaning of money. Six month ago, we had a  workshop on the Ethics of Money  exploring the relationship with money and a lot of tips on how to live with less of it and enjoying life more. A month earlier,  Money Creation and its impact on society was debated in the House of Commons . Conservative, Labour, Greens, UKIP etc. question the impact of money creation by private entities on society. It was like Christmas in the middle of November for me. all at the results of the immense efforts of social activators throughout the UK interested in Money issues. Two weeks ago, I have sent an email with exc

An Evening at NottinHack

Wednesdays are open night at  NottinHack, Nottingham Hackspace . A month earlier, I suggested to my Ph.D colleague Cay Green who is doing her research on product attachment and personalisation at Loughborough University but also a member of Newcastle Hackspace if she wanted to come with me to visit Nottingham Hackspace. A week earlier, speaking with some of the members of Leicester Hackspace, I found out that they were also organising a field trip to Nottingham Hackspace on the same day as us. A day earlier, my colleague Francesco Mazzarella who is doing his research on craftmanship and social innovation was more than happy to jump on the train to Nottingham. Off we go on Wednesday 3rd of December. --- It is a cold night this wednesday. We are all hushering around the front door of a 2 storey industrial building. The door is closed. Introduction are made between strangers and the door open. A set of stairs in front of us, we are going up. To another world...

Welcome to Social Activator

The purpose of this blog is to log thoughts on social activism, design, marketing and community building as well as to review of fantastic projects within the community which strive to create spaces for people to share knowledge, skills, abilities and fun. My vision is for everyone to come to the recognition that they are social activator. They are change agents. They can create opportunities for other to find their own space in this world to create a better present for themselves but also for others. We are all activators. I have plenty of ideas on how this blog will be run. I will probably start where I am now in the UK, Leicester before expanding my reach. I will write down all those ideas and then structure my thoughts before moving to my next action. I keep you posted!