The jackal barks and makes a lot of noise. It wants to be heard. I wants to be understood. The bark is high-pitched, repetitive and forlorn. It stands guard letting me know that there is something going on within. It barks to get through the barriers, to be noticed 'Come give me the love, acceptance and appreciation that I so want'. Instead of coming closer, people run away or bark back.
'That's not what I want' say the Jackal. The disappointment turns to anger.
'How could I be so stupid to ask for friendship? I should have known better' bark the Jackal.
The giraffe stretches its long neck and views the whole picture. It can see the filters through which we talk, it can see over the filters through which we listen. The giraffe listens and talks with its big heart. When the giraffe talks it has kindness and compassion. 'I understand that I am trying my best, I can see the need I have for intimacy, I respect my feelings of insecurity. From here I can see where people are coming from, where they would like to go. I can see their need for quiet and time alone' say the giraffe.
Extract fron Looby Macnamara - People & Permaculture
'That's not what I want' say the Jackal. The disappointment turns to anger.
'How could I be so stupid to ask for friendship? I should have known better' bark the Jackal.
The giraffe stretches its long neck and views the whole picture. It can see the filters through which we talk, it can see over the filters through which we listen. The giraffe listens and talks with its big heart. When the giraffe talks it has kindness and compassion. 'I understand that I am trying my best, I can see the need I have for intimacy, I respect my feelings of insecurity. From here I can see where people are coming from, where they would like to go. I can see their need for quiet and time alone' say the giraffe.
Extract fron Looby Macnamara - People & Permaculture
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