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Showing posts from October, 2015

When items break, they are not repaired but rather recycled or they end up landfills. - My toys

When my toys broke, they were either taken away from me or they left at the bottom of the toy box, waiting for some type of resurrection which never occur. I wish that: A) someone would have tried to repair them B) someone would have shown me how to repaired them C) someone would have looked after me when my toy world crumbled. D) someone would have looked after them when their compatriots failed to function E) Someone would  have collaborated with me to create a better world F) I was more confident at such young age to repair my world What would you have wished for? Add your options in the comments box

Child of artists

I was born in a family of artists where paintings and theatre plays danced together throughout the night. In my first home, the walls from time to time will display new colours. I always admired art appearing on the walls of our buzzing home. My second home was the theatre. I always love the sight, smell and sound of the rehearsals. My favourite moment in a theatre is when the light goes off and that you know you cannot come out until the play is over. Growing up, I became petrified that my own art will be judged as insignificant compared to my parents. It has taken a lot of time and crafts to have pride in my work and for me to take over my own world. I met mentors along the way who helped me to become what I am today channelling my vulnerabilities towards greater schemes. I am forever grateful. I thank my parents to have open my eyes to opportunities. They have managed with almost none or little education to create a world of their own. A beautiful one. Sometimes, I wish that they w

Everything wrong with Environmentalism - Bitesizevegan did it - Is it the start of a vegan journey?

I browsed my Facebook Feed. Mo posted the following video ' Everything wrong with environmentalism in 11 minutes'. . I watched the whole 11 minutes. I asked myself why animal agriculture and its impacts on the environment is not further talked about in environmental campaigning. Later that day, I went to a peer to peer support group on reducing our carbon footprint supported by Footpaths . The session focused on home energy, the food session is to come later. I'll reserve my conclusions by then and maybe also talk about methane and other dangerous gases. I am still not clear on my position on 'what is wrong with environmentalism?' The video keeps playing in my mind. I am a meat-eater. I reduced my meat intake in the past but I have been slacking recently as families and some peers are not really supportive on the vegan/vegetarian lifestyles. I do like the taste of meat, I cannot lie. In the evening, I watched the video a second time with my partner, I read 

Philosophical conversation - Religions in the Age of the Internet

With my brother and sister, we always enjoy starting some philosophical conversation on the meaning of life. My brother made an interesting point on religions, philosophies and other dogms. with the rise of the internet, we now can bring together meanings and teachings of various religions and with a systemic view find pure principles to live in harmony with one another. Religions exist to allow communities to live with one another and are colored by the cultural specificities of each but if we reall study religion we can become more and profoundly find our path to enlightement. so dig and find the principles tht will lead you to an happier life without the pain of attachment, just be.