Capitalism is an economic and political system in which a country's trade and industry are controlled by private owners for profit, rather than by the state. My carbon footprint is the amount of carbon dioxide released into the atmosphere as a result of my activities. My activities serve capitalism. They serve private owners for profit at the expense of natural resources and human beings. I am trapped and enslaved by capitalism, this is my relationship with it and it impacts dearly on my carbon footprint but also on my wellbeing and sense of belonginess.
I am striving to strip myself away from capitalism. I refused to work for large corporate organisations. I refuse to consume excessively. I shop in charity shops, buy in bulk from the Wholefood Coop in Leicester, cycle to work, do not travel by plane. I try to save for some solar panels and an electric car, I try to repair what I own and try to engage others in changing behaviour through campaigning and community building.
I try, some other people try too, everyone have to try but not everyone do. Many believe that money is something we should all strive for. I am a dreamer and believe that we should all strive for social justice, equality and environmental preservation. I am being stigmatised for my beliefs. I am being called a ‘green freak’, a ‘ green loony’, a ‘green warrior’, I am being asked ironically ‘whether I managed to save the world today?’
I often want to respond ‘I did not save the world today and keep failing because you did not help me’
I fail all the time. The capitalism system is strong and I am too often weak.
I chose to dive into research studies for the transition towards a sustainable system but even the research community I serve is funded to benefit directly private organisations that have economic growth as a priority. I spend my day behind a computer writing. I enjoy writing but sometimes I am thinking that I should be growing food in my garden to reduce my carbon food footprint. I go to work everyday mostly on my bicycle.Recently I have been travelling with my partner by car more. It is an easy thing. We would love to buy an electric car but it is so out of our means.We would like to work closer from home but the market is not meeting our expectations. I want some solar panels but in the same way it is out of reach. If I decide to earn more I will have to work for large corporations and slave myself away to them. I do not want to. If one organisation come along and purchase me at the right price, I will have to interview them first and ensure that they meet all the criteria of an organisation that strive to help others and protect the environment. As so far, I haven’t seen one that uplift me. My relationship with capitalism is too often tinted by loneliness and a feeling of awkwardness. My refusal to earn and consume like everyone else create a feeling of despair from the ones I love. It happens often that I fail to reduce my carbon footprint because I want to belong and be accepted by those. So I shop new clothes to look as nice as the expectations, I put make-up on my face too, I eat meat cos there is no vegetarian options. The list goes on.
To feel better and also because I love it, I volunteer. I give my times to others and try to encourage people to reduce their carbon footprint with the little that they have, I get new allies with whom to work to create a sustainable system of production and consumption. I receive smile and love. They kind of know how capitalism affects me as a person as much as my carbon footprint cos they are affected too. They cannot really help me get my green car or my solar panels. They are also struggling to save themselves.
It is what capitalism do, divide us, trap us, make us feel awkward, impact our carbon footprint. I cannot help my neighbours cos I am serving corporates. Corporates are not helping me and neither my neighbours. They are destroying every single bit of our environment and affecting the lives of billions around the planet. The poor first.
What to do to lessen the impact of capitalism on me? Volunteer, join me, support me and I’ll make sure to help you in return. Alone, I can’t but with you everything is possible.
This Changes Everything documentary based on Naomi Klein’s work will be shown at the Phoenix at 6.30pm on the 26th March. I invite you to join me and maybe together we will change everything.
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