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Showing posts from December, 2016


In order to create change, there is a number of challenges ahead. One of them is in changing social and behavioural expectations. One of the way is by changing the narrative individuals are familiar to to another which is more preferable for the environment. Education appear to be one of the way for people to change their narrative but actually we all know the issue of climate change, we all know what we have to do but we are not doing it. So education as much as we tried to fill the gaps of knowledge through information is not as effective as creating change. Information has to be tangible. The information needs to be personalised. Social itneraction is one of the most important tool to create change. Tangible personalised and direct interaction help in creating change. Individuals are loss adverse. we should focus on what we gain. Three Myths of Behavior Change - What You Think You Know That You Don't: Jeni Cross at TEDxCSU

Ormen villa - Marle feeds

Everyday, I log the activities I engage in to make my home - Ormen villa - a productive space. I have been wondering whether this should be kept undercover or shall I share it in order to help others in their homesteading activities. I have been asking myself whether I should create another blog to write up all the feeds on my home activities, keep it as it is, or changing my blog name to Marle's feeds. Well, i am keeping it as it is. What matter is what I feed you with a blog post at the time. What do you reckon? Leave some comments to let me know your thoughts on this move. Merci xo

What my broken boiler taught me

There is nothing like a broken boiler to remind you how entitled delusional self centred and privileged human being you are. Within the comfort of the home, the thin layer of the civilisation bubble, I have the impression that nothing can collapse: the water will remain warm, the water will remain clean, fridges and pantry are full of food and my bank account still in overdraft. I am still producing and consuming what nature provides. Oh yes, I am separated from nature. Do you know I am inside the home, not roaming the streets or the woods like an animal... sleeping in the ground like a vegetable. I am also pretty clever too , I have university education from some human institutions, no squirrel nut diploma, I studied in england, an island where there is a queen... I work as well. I participate in the progress machine for a better future for all humans beings. I thought i'd help animals too but I have been told they are already dying. So the focus is on humans, not the pl