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Showing posts from May, 2017

We grow our world together

Today, students from Loughborough Design School will be presenting opportunities for greater community use of the Old Rectory Museum. In the last three months, they have been collaborating with community leaders and residents of Loughborough to understand better their needs and wants, the challenges that they face. They envisioned possibilities for the future and today from 1.30pm in Fearon Hall, they will be sharing with us their inspirations and exhibiting their work. I am grateful to have been given the chance to participate in this project and hope that together we will be able to restore the Old Rectory past glory and strengthen the bond between all those involved and those who will soon join the next stages of this journey. Each project reminds us that we can only grow together by connecting and sharing our faith in the future. To the next adventure (cheers)

Victorious weekender

As she sips on the milk chocolate dark ale, she can feel her taste buds wiggling in pleasure. A warmth feeling growing inside her chest. She was not expecting the drink to be as nice. She was not expecting to get even a drink that day. It was offered. She did not refused it. She had been behind her desk alone in the office snacking on crisps and digestive biscuits for hours. It was the weekend, she was there. Not expecting to see anyone familiar. She had left for a few minutes stretching her legs and slowly dragging herself back hoping to call for victory by finishing her to do list. She came back to find a full glass with ale handed in by another to be victorious weekender. (Thank you)

A Coach Tale

It has been a lovely day, she said. She had managed to give avenues on which her and a potential client will work on.The latter is interested and gave her his contact details. She said she will come back to him next week with a quote.  She is trying to set up her coaching practice.  She knows it will take time to create a good client base. She can feel within herself all the muddle emotions but do not pay attention to them and leave them on the sushi belt, slowly passing along.  This evening, she is going to a coaching event where she hopes to meet people, have interesting conversation and ideas on how to move her practice forward.  There, she meets a 'should' lady, a 'i do not ask for help' man, a 'yes' woman, a 'burnout' man, a 'not good enough' woman. A 'cant' man, a 'he is better than me' type, a 'no one care about me' woman,  a 'feel bad' man, 'aint pretty enough' woman and more. She

Product retention - the seed of innovativeness

They do not like to throw things away they say. They'd rather keep it even if it is not working, Transform it to give it a new lease of life.  They can see in the object form something unspoken, a gift of the present moment.  True materialist they are.  They do not accumulate for the sake of it, we could not call them hoarders.  They are retainers, protectors of the instant whilst everything else keep changing, they stand still. Here lay the seed of innovativeness, remaining still and grounded, using creativity to shield the world whilst everything else seems to be in turmoil

When two worlds collide - documentary

My newest found passion for spanish pushed me to scan through all the spanish language movie on Netflix. I would diligently repeat words and sentences as I see able to. Yesterday, I chose - When two worlds collide - In this feature documentary, we follow Alberto Pizango in Peru, environmental activist who brings the plea of his indigenous native community to the government and at the time president Alan Garcia to protect the rainforest from corporate interests. As the government ignores their demands, violence erupts. The documentary take us on the frontline of the conflict and we can feel the anger, grieve of the different parties involved. The sight of the environmental destruction caused by natural resources exploitation and the harm, us, human, can cause to one another had its own significance for me, it will have its own for you too. Have a go and brush up some of this spanish.

Sorrow Cycle - Love is here to stay

If you find yourself going through another cycle of sorrow and grieving, there is a song that may help you.  ''Love is here to stay'', the music was written by  George Gershwin  with lyrics by  Ira Gershwin .  Ira Gershwin wrote the words after George's death as a tribute to his brother’s passing. The song resonates with me as I find myself missing a person I love dearly. It puts forward that whatever changes, love is here to stay. The memory of love received, the love that still remains that you receive each day, the love that you give, the love that you feel, the love that is still there to welcome within your life. It will always be there regardless of the earthquake, tsunamis, illnesses and sadness. No point closing yourself from it by fear of losing it again, embrace it and live fully.

Slow Repair

Can the slow movement happens in manufacturing? Could it be the answer for supporting repair? I am wondering as I discuss with my colleagues 'SLOW' The slow movement advocates a cultural shift toward slowing down life's pace. You have probably heard of the slow food movement, slow fashion, slow design etc. It asked us to slow down and stop trying to reach the speed of light. As consumers struggle to repair ever changing small electrical products, may be it is time for manufacturers to slow down at least at the same rate or a bit faster than human development. The role of technology can aid to make human capabilities leap forward, yet become counterproductive when it loses behind the many people who are unable to learn to fix and manage their environment. So what is it to reckon? Is the Slow Good Movement possible?

Learning to repair - the pointless and wonderful

Receiving the appropriate support from friends, family, mentors is an important requirement to learn a new skill. Yet some skills can be simultaneously respected and looked down by our social circle. Knowing how to repair is the aggregation of many skills for which two conflicting messages are sent by those around us Why would you learn to repair when you can buy new? Isn't it wonderful to be able to repair any object coming your way? It is to ask what traits and characteristics someone has to pursue a passion/interests when the rest of the world appear at first to not be interested. It is to ask the type of environment that will nurture the inquisitive mind we all have to pursue against the odds something that appear pointless. Acquiring the skills to repair - both pointless and wonderful

Find your fixers, care for them and they will care for you.

Leicester Fixers and its Restart parties are gaining popularity.  We are getting busier at each event, more people are bringing their broken bits.  We are asked to organised events in other venues across Leicestershire. We are invited to spread repair through education and media. We would like to do it all. Yet, our strengths - skills and knowledge - are also our limitations. We rely on our fixers to share with us all their gifts.  We are very lucky to have them, time after time coming to the Restart Party. We are, I am so grateful for them for coming to the restart party, one, twice, all the  time.  I value the time, effort and energy they all bring in. Their care is valuable. Without it, none could be possible. Items will be thrown away, no new skills would be learnt,  Our fixers tie with their know-how a community together. Yet, each community is bound to space and time. We care, I care about giving space and time to all those involved with Leicest

When I am tired

When I am tired, I question any dreams and aspirations for the future because all I need is a real one that could take me away in a place where time, past, present and future are confounded, where the moon and the sun smile at each others, where the sea meet the sky, and my feet sanded beaches. When I am tired, I question all institutions, work, education, governing bodies, charity, family that promote a way of being, alienating my soul when I just want to be left alone, breathing, eye closed, lying down immobile whilst the earth keeps turning on itself and around the sun, swimming in a sea of stars. I'll remain still. When I am tired, I question the role of art, philosophy, politics and sciences as I stand on the edge of insanity, overworking for a dream that revealed itself to be hollow and ludicruous... yes, being part of civilisation, nightmarish fall. Ti me to WAKE UP

You can either look at the glass half full or half empty

How do you feel about the French election, the new elected president, they ask? The election in itself do not erase the past. High hopes and languishing despair are at play. The beholder can look at the glass either half full or half empty. France, together - France, divided. Dream or nightmare. The only certainty is that we do not know what the future hold.

Progress Trap

A  progress trap  is the condition human societies experience when, in pursuing  progress  through human ingenuity, they inadvertently introduce problems they do not have the resources or political will to solve, for fear of short-term losses in status, stability or quality of life. ( Wikipedia ) How willing are we to make the necessary changes for our future survival? Looking after ourselves, our health, others, their wellbeing, the planet, its sustainability. Yet, it is so easy to escalate commitment in telling ourselves and others stories which will enhance our status, stability and quality of life. The chase is on against time and oddities. We escape from the unsettling truth that the long term is doomed. Until we burn out - Exhausted from rat race, the running, the short-term goals. Breathe, Slow Down,  Have a nice weekend. And get back in the trap next week.

Demain The movie - Tomorrow, J'irais au Cinema

This friend gives you a call. It has been a long time you have not spoken to him. It is nice.  He asks you how is the writing. You ask him how is the acting. He said everything is well, to each his role. He tells you that he enjoys his spare time going to the cinema 3-5 times a week. You are thinking he has time to do so.  He tells you there is this movie you need to watch, you environmentalist. You think, I am not sure I can contribute to this industry in any ways and you'd rather watch Netflix at home.  Before you can answer he said 'No seriously, you have to go and watch this movie, it is great'. It really uplifted me. We went to watch 'This changes everything' by Naomi Klein together, it was good, Demain - I truly loved it'. Tomorrow - a film by Cyril Dion and Melanie Laurent - Showing in Derby 5/5/2017

The stage is yours

The play is written a certain way, it is down to the actor to reveal in between the lines new meaning and thoughts. The actor amplifies the resonance of the text using his own creativity and ingenuity. The director is there to capture this resonance and ensure it can be repeated time after time each night of the production. What can we learn from this? Whatever the role you are confined to, the stage is yours. Use your creativity and ingenuity to resonate as best. If you are simultaneously the director, listen, capture and gently shape the essence of your voice, for it to be magnified each day that passes.

4 in 1 dream

You dream that you are in bed with four people.  On your left, a black fashionista with a smile from a toothpaste advert.  On my right, a chubby and shy woman smiling at you.  On her right, a business/lawyer man wearing a suite. You are sharing jokes with the fashionista and tell her how much you would like to get to know the business/lawyer person. She jokes that she would like to know a bit more the chubby shy one to see if she can rub on her. What is your inconscious mind trying to tell you?