It has been a lovely day, she said. She had managed to give avenues on which her and a potential client will work on.The latter is interested and gave her his contact details. She said she will come back to him next week with a quote.
She is trying to set up her coaching practice.
She knows it will take time to create a good client base.
She can feel within herself all the muddle emotions but do not pay attention to them and leave them on the sushi belt, slowly passing along.
This evening, she is going to a coaching event where she hopes to meet people, have interesting conversation and ideas on how to move her practice forward.
There, she meets a 'should' lady, a 'i do not ask for help' man, a 'yes' woman, a 'burnout' man, a 'not good enough' woman. A 'cant' man, a 'he is better than me' type, a 'no one care about me' woman, a 'feel bad' man, 'aint pretty enough' woman and more.
She thinks the world is my oyster, I am me and I will share my gift in exchange of yours...
The one, you do not even know you have...
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