Human Evection: a periodic irregularity in human motion, caused by the attraction of ''ze undefined''
An evection is a periodic irregularity in the moon's motion, caused by the attraction of the sun.
I extrapolate the concept wondering what it will mean for a human:
Human Evection: a periodic irregularity in human motion, caused by the attraction of ''ze undefined''
Since I am not sure what elements in people life periodically elongate their courses of actions and distract their focus from their innate goals.
I called it ''Ze Undefined''
Time for questions, please answer
Think about a goal you want to reach for a minute.
Now, ask yourself
Share your answer on the FB post on thisismarlefeed or via twitter by anchoring me @thisismarlefeed so I can see what you came up with.
Final note:
I extrapolate the concept wondering what it will mean for a human:
Human Evection: a periodic irregularity in human motion, caused by the attraction of ''ze undefined''
Since I am not sure what elements in people life periodically elongate their courses of actions and distract their focus from their innate goals.
I called it ''Ze Undefined''
Time for questions, please answer
Think about a goal you want to reach for a minute.
Now, ask yourself
Are you experiencing some sort of Human Evection
in trying to meet this particular goal?
or in other words,
Is it an element distracting you from your goals
If yes?- What is the element in your life that periodically elongate your courses of action to meet this goal?
- What is the element of limitless attraction which distract your focus from this goal?
- What are your feelings toward your evectional distraction?
Share your answer on the FB post on thisismarlefeed or via twitter by anchoring me @thisismarlefeed so I can see what you came up with.
Final note:
Learn to love your evectional attraction,
Like the moon, this element is your sun.
The earth would not exist without it both!