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The Spirit Creator

So the conversation went like this

M: Is there a god?

Y: There is but not in the form that people think it is.

M: So what it is?

Y: I cannot really answer that question. However, you may perceive God form in the story that follows. It is a story of a young man who loves to read the story of the deceased spirits because he believes that by reading their books he will be able to find the secret of life. He is particularly fond of one book who tell the tales of this wonderful king and warrior who was touched by the grace of God.  He had built an army of followers who were ready to die for him so that God's ultimate scheme for his life could be accomplished. He is so fond of the story that he decide to become a follower of the precepts and advice of the deceased spirit so that he is able to meet his destiny.

M: Isn't it how most religions are organised, we have a prophet who help us to find our way to God.

Y: Yes, it appears to be a mean to an end. One must be careful to distinguish messages from the invisible to messages from the deceased spirit.

M: Why?

Y: Choosing the deceased spirit as the creator of one's life can be disastrous. God scheme for the deceased life has already been accomplished. He followed his own heart in the context in which he lived, he developed his own practice and conducted his behaviour to fit in with people he was with at a particular point in time. The life of the deceased may be quite different from the lives of most people today. The same applies to the self-help books of the living being who are too quick to direct the lost soul. The lover of books can forget to listen to himself and experience the Now. Before he knows it, all spirits are directing his or her life.

M: so how to distinguish the spirits from God so we accomplish our own scheme.

Y: Good question. This is quest, we all have to go through.

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