IT IS TIME FOR EVERYONE TO JOIN Market Harborough Fixers specifically if you live in and around Market Harborough, have an item to fix, have the skill to fix, have the dream that one day every single town and villages have a repair café every month!
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Yesterday, Divya and I travelled from Leicester to Canvas Cafe in Great Oxendon, approximately 2 Miles Away from Market Harborough.
We were welcomed by Lara and Jen who run the Canvas Café and the Country Bumpkin Yurts and Steven who is running a food growing project on site to support people with mental health issues. He is also involved in a number of projects in the area.
I brought a projector from the Leicester Hackspace, yet it was easily figured that a lovely conversation around a cup of tea was more appropriate.
We received pertinent questions when it comes to trying to organise a repair café, the possible footfalls, how to manage expectations of the visitors and what type of support do we provide as part of the Leicestershire Outreach Programme.
The Good News is that a Repair Café will happen in Market Harborough this year - possibly around May Time.
The Condition to make it a success and specifically to ensure that more repair events happen in the area is for you to join Market Harborough Fixers NOW
So, Drop a hello on the group and let them know what you can repair or fix - maybe you are a good communicator and you want to share the news, or you may be good at finances and want to support with your accounting skills.
We need to know what type of items you have at home that needs repairing.
Say what it is, you may receive some suggestions on how to fix before the event.
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