It's been another day of everything - running around not even hearing the outside world. I have my headphones on. My phone is constantly buzzing in my pocket with notifications,reminding me of the things I need to do, to know, to fill today. It is a matter of trying to detach myself from all the thoughts going through my head. Get the MIND silent, feel my body, the motion of my joints, and the breeze of the wind in the ocean of people and cars.
This Saturday at the Restart Party, we haven't managed to repair my poor mobile phone ( PART 1) . Luckily, one of the members of the Hackspace have a spare one that is happy to lend me until I am able to repair my own. I accept gratefully. I get home and get myself two spares part to replace the screen on my mobile phone. They arrived at home. I put them in a drawer. They stay there. The current mobile phone that was lent to me is perfectly convenient for the time being. I forget to bring the replacement screen at the next restart party and I come to learn that the person who lent me the mobile phone has gone and will never come back to Leicester and I will not find a way to give it back to him. I accept fate. Months pass by and I never manage to repair my old mobile phone. it is somewhere in a drawer with its spare parts. I forget about it. I have a working phone in my hands. Until this Sunday morning after having repaired the bottom drawer of a cupboard, the scre...
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