There is this teenie tiny shop in Leicester Main Street called the Detox Shack that serves juices, smoothies and food and more.
The more is the capabilities of the host to ask questions to its customers directly to create a connection and to remind them that their body and mind is their temple and they can take care of it by choosing the food they eat and the thoughts they think. He invites us to feel blessed for the things we receive and at peace with whatever comes up. The place and all its trinkets with positive messages written on them are also there to remind us those values. He does not preach. It is when the customer asks him questions that his wisdom shines through.
Ask a question and you will get a story that weaves itself with yours.
As I listened to him and how at peace he was and all the kind words he spoke, I reflected upon another place I visited that was also wonderful in colours and design and yet the words spoken by the staff members about the failings of their colleagues dampened my perceptions of the place. I'll definitely return to the Detox Shack for another detox talk yet not sure if I am looking forward to the toxic place.
For building community, our role as host needs to be authentic, peaceful and strive to enhance every single parts of our community as much as we can, their gifts talents and abilities, we need to continue asking questions so that eventually we find the right places for each member to shine through. Our expectations on what people should do needs to remain low regardless of their title so that we can be surprised and appreciative of what they bring on the table.
Toxicity comes from misplaced expectations put on others that they cannot possibly meet. it is a distortion. the detox is seeing thins as they are which ultimately not knowing so we can give it all a benefit of the doubt. x
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