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King Kong Theory by Virginie Despentes and the Use of Language

What a pleasure to be shaken by the poetry of a person. Virginie Despentes poetry is raw, harsh, vulgar and abrasive. I discovered that we can write and speak like that, still, be whole - a whole woman that is loved and revered - or in the patriarchal world, a target to stamp on fingers, tongue or vision because it is not (a) lady-like-(we want in this world) - pure injustice.

About King Kong Theory on Wikipedia

Language... Upbringing in different social classes and education give different opportunities for exploration in the depth and breadth of language. 

When first arriving in the UK, I could not speak English fluently and worked with other foreigners in large warehouses full of computers and/or clothes: picking, packing and controlling stocks over day/night shifts. My uniform, a yellow vest, t-shirt, jeans and work boots. I even drove a PPT moving pallet across the shop floor. After a year, working in this environment, I succeeded an English test to start university. In this first year, I made friends there and then, and did my best to pick up the language, be understood and liked. Swearing words were my go-to - to fill the gaps, express my emotions and make people laugh. One day, I got stamped on by the men at uni I believed 'loved' me:  'you are so rude' they said, it is not ladylike, they said, 'you need to watch your language', they said, 'do not speak to us like that' -

Which lady are they talking about?

I chiselled my language - worked harder at writing and speaking Lady-Like English. Would it be ever perfect? and Perfect for who? Them, Me? Context Matter

What about having a release:










Man, Shut the Fuck Up Stupid and Leave Me alone Dickhead

Eat my Shit


Thank you Virginie Despentes


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