I am thinking about all the contrast of people around me who have children - especially the women
- Shana four kids - struggle
- Kirsty - had a lovely leaving do and is pretty much going to sit at home
- Julie - complicated birth - sat at home with no job
- Yann and his partner divorce
- Joyce - 4 kids leaving in a shithole - still doiing quite well and partying a lot
- stacey with all her children - stay at home
Then there is me a doctorate, freelancer, directing my own project
- then there is my mum who built healthy children to pretty take care of her business but also got them to work early and then at the same time do her arts.
I think my children will be part and asset of the family business and will be directly involved in the growth of our family. I will not force them but they will feel like participating. because it is all part of the family business. we will be able to have my mother supporting the children, the painting being sold will also support with taking care of the kids and my husband earning will help as well.
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