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Showing posts from January, 2015

What is your job you do?

What is your job you do? Where do your work? are probably the hardest questions to answer to in a short sentence. It is great when you have a title, it gives a splash of your awesomeness in the face of your interlocutor. I am 'Consultant Associate'. I am 'Customer InSight Officer'. I am 'Data analyst Manager'... ( in your face) . Where do I work? I am a flexi-travelling worker. I mainly work from home. BUT, I also work in various places in the Midlands (Leicester, Northampton), also London, I jet set to Paris and Amsterdam sometimes... ( splash in your face) ... Those two questions are set to gauge both interlocutors' status. It is quite sad, the longer the title and list of places you go to, the more you appear awesome. Truth to be told, I love working from home and have a family to come back to after a long day making decisions. In my own perspective, the question should be reframed to 'What are you passionate about?'  At least, you will connect mo

The Jackal & The Giraffe

The jackal barks and makes a lot of noise. It wants to be heard. I wants to be understood. The bark is high-pitched, repetitive and forlorn. It stands guard letting me know that there is something going on within. It barks to get through the barriers, to be noticed 'Come give me the love, acceptance and appreciation that I so want'.  Instead of coming closer, people run away or bark back. 'That's not what I want' say the Jackal. The disappointment turns to anger. 'How could I be so stupid to ask for friendship? I should have known better' bark the Jackal. The giraffe stretches its long neck and views the whole picture. It can see the filters through which we talk, it can see over the filters through which we listen. The giraffe listens and talks with its big heart. When the giraffe talks it has kindness and compassion. 'I understand that I am trying my best, I can see the need I have for intimacy, I respect my feelings of insecurity. From here I can se

Home Energy - Footpaths Challenge - Checking for Draughts

With my beautiful little hand, I went all around the house checking if there were any drafts. I found one. Under my front door. I now understand why the corridor is always very cold. So what options do I have to fix this little issue from the least expensive to more expensive options - Do Nothing - Make with reclaimed material sa door draught excluder (see pic) - Change the door sweeps - Change the front door Easy busy! I have to choose one of those options. I might start with the door draught excluder! What about you? Did you check for any drafts in your house? What did you do about it?

In the search of who we are - Have a wonderful year 2015

Steven Spielberg and Cyril Cusack are having a conversation at a New Year's eve party. An anonymous is sitting next to them.  Spielberg starts: ' All of us every single year, we're a different person. I don't think we're the same person all our lives ' .  'Indeed' replied Cyril Cusack 'i f you ask me for my New Year Resolution, it will be to find out who I am.'   That being said the anonymous declares:  'I wish you to not try to find who you are. The search is like following a shadow in the grey, you will never catch it. So just be - the light erasing any shadow of doubts in your mind. Be the sun painting new landscapes of beauty and adventures, be the moon sculpting your dreams and highest aspirations.'   Happy New Year