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Showing posts from March, 2016

Poverty and Sustainable development - a quote

Quote  ''the experience of the last decades shows that the current neo-liberal policies lead to income polarisation, an increasing number of poor plus a growing number of very rich individuals, at the detriment of the middle class (OECD, 2011c). Whereas there is no correlation between economic growth and poverty reduction, there is a strong one between reducing poverty and the existence of a welfare state (Alber, 2002). Thus redistribution of wealth and income can be understood as an immediate necessity for sustainable development. However, such considerations play no role in the OECD green growth concept'' (Lorek & Spangenberg, 2014) References Alber, J. (2002). Besser als sein Ruf - Der Sozialstaat als erfolgreiches Modell. Witteilungen 98. Lorek, S., & Spangenberg, J. H. (2014). Sustainable consumption within a sustainable economy – beyond green growth and green economies. Journal of Cleaner Production, 63, 33–44.

Call for a Sustainable Investor Mentor

I am looking for a mentor. A person who has specific knowledge into investment and who is specifically interested in sustainable development schemes. I want to learn and apply. My focus for quite some time has been for a long time on sustainable grassroot initiatives and design as a mean to facilitate the transition towards a sustainable system of production and consumption. I have been also extending my knowledge on socio-economic and monetary system too. I am passionate. I came to the realisation that my knowledge needs to expand in order for me to provide better advices to my partners and particularly those who are striving to create new system of production and consumption. I want to move to new realm. I need help. Specifically, I will need two hours every quarter with knowledgeable individuals who would like to share their experience with me within the field of sustainable investment. If you know anyone to whom I could send a moving letter. Let me know. 

The New Mobile Phone Dilemma PART 1

Every 6 Weeks, I organised a Restart Party at Leicester Hackspace along with a number of amateur/professional repairers. My first trial at repairing an item was a mobile phone. The poor thing painfully fell in the middle of the street as I was cycling home after a gorgeous meal with friends in an Indian restaurant. The screen was cracked and my belly was full. I was paired up with a bald head man quite tall. He is related to one of my acquaintance who is really involved in environmental campaigning in Leicester. He is warm and a very good pedagogue. He never repaired a mobile phone like mine before. We know that there are plenty of guides online. Together we decide to give it a go. I am smiling and cheering as we are trying to open the piece of equipments. How wonderful those green and copper pieces are assembled together. It looks beautiful, a real piece of art. We take off all the parts to reach the front screen. We replace it. We put all the pieces back together. Turn the ph

Funny animal

The brain is a funny animal. It is deeply attached to positive feelings encountered previously. Actions performed by oneself or learned from another person behaviour can leave a strong impression. They'll try to repeat the same experience over and over again to the infinite. Changing behaviour is recognising the pattern first in order to break it then. The vision of breaking the habit and being one singlely focusing on it encourage naturally or more specifically intuitevely the brain to find a solution CAREFUL, please do not create any contracdiction or paradox. y Our vibration will not know in which directions to go

Selling or Giving?

I feel a certain temptation to remain in the money economy or to strive fully in the giving/sharing economy. It has been something that has been fluctuating in my mind. Every time I feel negative about my financial stability, I want to sell my stuff. When the outlook are quite good, I want to give and/or share my stuff. I am signed up on freecycle, I gave plenty of my old marketing books. I signed up on Streetbank and even organised a meeting to expand its reach. Unfortunately, when I became a student again, a fear factor blossomed in my mind. I am going to struggle financially  Off I was again on ebay and before i knew it, Nothing got sold and ebay charged me £2.

Ph.D Research - Can you make yourself irreplaceable?

A while ago, I had dinner with this lovely young eastern European woman. It was our first encounter. She has been living in the UK for only two weeks. she had already a job and an accommodation. We started talking about our academic achievement. She mentioned that she had a master in digital literature. I suggested that she could possibly do her Ph.D at the University of Reading. She shrugged and said  'I have been working as a research administrator in a university for two years. I was the one who convinced students not to do their Ph.D.  Ph.D students slave themselves away for three years of their life. They carry out valuable research, write papers and go to conference, yet they are underpaid and they will probably not get a job at the end of it. Academia is an industry where Ph.D are a herd being truthfully exploited.' It was partially true. I started my Ph.D to escape the dogma of some other mainstream form of exploitation I wanted to be my own project. Academi

Under Control

I woke up like every morning having run all night chasing my dreams. The morning light strike through the curtains. I have to get up to for real - run after them. I get downstairs, I make a bowl of porridge, sugar and sultanas in the mix A cup of coffee with  soya milk. I switch on the computer. I fill in with each breakfast spoons# I start thinking. What is the dream? Who count on me today to make things happen?  Who is waiting for change to happen?  Who needs help?  I froze. Is everything under control?  Do I got it all to get their back? Of course everything is under control. I have a roof above my head, my ten fingers, a brain that sing magic I have food in my cupboard, I have few pennies on my bank account, I have friends, I have contacts. I can leverage it  all to make it all better. So STOP freezing it ALL UP KEEP GOING Everything is under control. Remember that, if you leave in a place with no war and you have no life threatening illness, yo

Becoming an investor for a fairer world

After having written a piece on how my relationship with capitalism affects my carbon footprint?   and receiving feedback indicating that my individualistic goals to want to purchase solar panels were not good enough to facilitate the transition towards a sustainable system of production and consumption, because it encourages me to serve a system that exploit resources and labour and not supporting others in changing their behaviour. I started to wonder. It is true unfortunately as long as there are no other alternatives of production and consumption that is fairer, more caring towards the environment and the people that inhabit the earth, we will be stuck in an endless and vicious circle of guilt and blame. There is no way that we can move towards an ideal world of fairness without having to dance with the devil, hence working for corporations that pollute, exploit and influence for us to extract value which can be re-invested into a greener future To change the deal, I have t

Does exercising make you run a mile?

The main exercise I have to complete each day is writing. I am an amateur. If I was a professional. I will not lose focus. I will not jump from one task to the other. Wait for inspiration to strike. I will just be disciplined and I will work my crafts until the muse goes to sleep. The concept of exercise does make me run a mile away for sure. I have all the warning signs of an amateur artist ( you too? ). Whilst before starting I convince myself that there is nothing fun about exercising. During the exercise when the flow is on, I feel good. After the exercise when things have been completed. I feel awesome. So why dreading to start? Why being scared to be disconnected and to fly? Taking off is difficult but the flight is more than often awesome, the place of landing too. There is certainly uncertainty about the outcomes. This can be difficult to deal with but who cares. Carpe Diem this is.

How my relationship with capitalism is impacting my carbon footprint?

Published on Footpaths Leicester Capitalism is an economic and political system in which a country's trade and industry are controlled by private owners for profit, rather than by the state. My carbon footprint is the amount of carbon dioxide released into the atmosphere as a result of my activities. My activities serve capitalism. They serve private owners for profit at the expense of natural resources and human beings. I am trapped and enslaved by capitalism, this is my relationship with it and it impacts dearly on my carbon footprint but also on my wellbeing and sense of belonginess.