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Showing posts from October, 2018

Reviewing MBA thesis

I inform my good friend that I  have been tutoring students for their master thesis. I truly enjoyed the experience in helping the students embrace academic writing. Two weeks later, he asked me to review his MBA thesis before submitting it. There is nothing better to tell a story to others for opportunities to emerge. I am receiving his work this weekend, we shall see how the experience pan out. I may offer my services to a wider audience. Interested? send me a buzz on Twitter ;)

28 and counting.

Writing is an outlet for me to express myself and even though I do not know where this is going to lead me to, I still do it.  When I was 8, I wanted to have my own magazine where I could share with friends and family, what was going on in our neighbourhood.  Now, I have a blog. I do not really use it yet to share what is going on in our neighbourhood but I guess it is something I could possibly integrate.  I have a goal... To have approximately 365 pre-scheduled blog posts. I have 28 right now. got more to go ;)

Dancing under the stars

Off we go to  the party, we are dressed to impress, the guests are too. We smile, they smile back. In the maze of the crowd, we each try to find a partner for the first dance and we know that for 5 minutes or so, we will be one. Dancing is probably the most therapeutic activity one can experience for themselves. It gets the body going in a way that we do not experience on most days. ''The other' holding our hands make us feel special. The other is unique, no one partner is the same, yet they all make us feel unique. On the vibration of the universe, spiralling together out, we are one.

Running in the forest

 We will first walk through the field, go through the  bridge and enter finally the forest. you will have some boots, I will have some too. and we will mile at each other. then you will see on your make go and we will start running like wild animal, the bird will start flying off - the foxes will get hiding, the insects will watch us passing. We will feel reinvigorated. How lucky are we to be running in the forest.

Stop manipulating your mind

Write up 20 negative thoughts that come to your mind well too ofen. Look at them, rank them by order of affect. Once this is done, start meditating on each one for them to disappear... get a new meaning... you will feel better for it...

This is a blog for you if

This is blog is for you if you are serving families, mother, father, children in Leicestershire to - To take care of what we have in common: The planet - To encourage them to be open and inclusive of others - To support them in sharing their gifts for the local economy to be more resilient. If you tick more than one of this boxes, i am inviting you - To Get inspired by the stories of people who are in Leicestershire trying to enact change and empowered people to direct their lives - To share those stories to people around you so they can get inspired - To submit your story. Why? Because the power of stories can change the world as long as they are shared widely. So get sharing! About me My name is Marie. I live in Leicestershire since 2012. In my first year of arrival, i engaged with Transition Leicester, Positive Money and Footpaths Leicester. I ran the positive money leicester group.  I organised events, a discussion group and the Money workshop to help people reflect upon

Time to listen

Sometimes our own perspective on life may get in the way of what we understand when others speaks. Pause, breathe and really listen. You may learn something. if you are too busy with your own thoughts, you will not even realise what was said. You will probably misinterpret some important signal. So what to do, Pause, breathe, ask further questions before sharing an informed answer based on fact and not your own imagination

Time to eat

You wake up, have a bowl of porride. It is 7am. 10am comes, you are hungry again. Are you really?  You may just be thirsty.  Wait at least 6 hours before your next meal.

Do not borrow the traumas of others to justify your own personal vendetta against men

An evening like no others with 3 girlfriends talking about life, how we feel etc. Then it goes slightly sour. E. shares the story of her daughter Z. Z has always been a bit weird with low self-esteem. She is quite involved with the feminist movement and has some double standards on what people cannot say (i.e. sexist remarks) and what she can say (i.e. insults). She had recently some issues with her father and brother. She shared with her mum that she felt that her relatives were sexist and she did not feel comfortable around them. E. feels that on one hand her daughter may be mixing some of her past personal issues with her dad and brother with the feminist narrative. On the other hand, she feels remarks that may not be appropriate needs to be confronted. She discussed with her son and husband. The son recognised that he probably went a bit too far. He was upset and words got muddled. The father on his side is on the defensive and try to detract the conversation on another

Yumchi Binge Kept me Awake

It was long day yesterday. A beautiful day though. Work was done, meetings in the sunshine with collaborators, long walk with those we love. Then the thought came around 7pm - ''I need to cook now'' - Then the thought arose - ''I am soooo tired'' Then the thought emerged - ''let's binge'' and we did, it was fabolous... But I ate too much, I could not sleep. Now I am so tired. I can still feel the pasta in my belly. Why did I do that to myself...

You cannot sleep properly. One reason. Technology

You cannot sleep properly. One reason. Technology They Suppress Melatonin. The blue light emitted by screens on cell phones, computers, tablets, and televisions restrain the production of   melatonin , the hormone that controls your sleep/wake cycle or   circadian rhythm . Reducing melatonin makes it harder to fall and stay asleep. Most Americans admit to using electronics a few nights a week within an hour before bedtime. But to make sure technology isn’t harming your slumber, give yourself at least 30 minutes of gadget-free transition time before hitting the hay. Even better: Make your bedroom a technology-free zone—keep your electronics outside the room (that includes a TV!). They Keep Your Brain Alert. It may seem harmless to knock out a few emails before bed or unwind with a favorite movie, but by keeping your mind engaged, technology can trick your brain into thinking that it needs to stay awake. And if you’re surfing the web, seeing something exciting on Facebook, or r

Cluttered house - The list

I have made list of 20 things I am currently choosing to ignore: my need for laziness my need for peace my need for flexibility my need for escape my need for laughter my need for sleep my need for dancing my need for travelling to places my need for movement my need for telling my truth my need for drawing and arts my need for visitors my need for money my need to share my crafts and arts my need to communicate with others the way I feel. my compulsion to distract myself from the environment I am in my feelings, my emotions my need for collaboration and support my need for care and compassion my need for change My five top one are - my need for laziness, my need for escape, my need to communicate with others the way I feel, my need for support and collaboration, my need for sleep I feel that I am tired. I am overwhelmed with tasks to do, this creep up in my surrounding environment, I feel slightly overwhelmed and cannot sleep anymore properly. it shows in

Cluttered House - What are you choosing to ignore?

Your house is currently cluttered and messy. From your perspective, clearing it out is far from being your current priority as it stands, you are too busy taking over the world. Yet, the people around you are starting to feel the brunt of your lack of presence in space and time. You do not even notice the mess around you because you only think about what needs to get done in other aspects of your life. How can you possibly rectify that so people around you can focus on supporting you in your scheme as opposed to the mess that they can see around you? It appears your level of tolerance is far higher than them. You just feel things are going to get together eventually or maybe you are in denial, who knows. You may be choosing to ignore critical issues to protect yourself. And so, here is the question to answer - What are you choosing to ignore? list 20 things Once you have answered those questions, rank them in order of importance. Pick the 3 top one and focus on res

Disconnected from nature and other people?

Get out of your house... Get out of your office... Get out of any man-made buildings Talk to the first stranger on the path. Ask him where is the best place to visit around here. He will tell you where to go next. When you arrive at the destination, ask the next person, where is the best place to visit around here after this one, he will tell you where to go next...

Difficult to be authentic around others?

Maybe you haven't defined what is ''to be authentic''. I find this word ''authentic '' just hard to understand to be perfectly honest with you. So let's look for a definition - google authentic Well after reading the definition, it does not help really. Maybe worth diving in existentialist philosophy to recognise authenticity as the emotionally appropriate, significant, purposive and responsible mode of human life. Accepting that you do not know what is to be authentic is probably a step to salvation. You can stop pretending that you know everything and just accept that you are still a baby that came out of the womb exploring what is the world about. You are just an inquisitive mind amongst many others bound in an imperfect body and an imperfect world. Then, you can relax around others, they are the same as you anyway, crazy kids...

here is a threat - he did not reply to your text

What to do? If you are unsettled because he did not reply to your text. Check if you have any abandonment issue, this is your first step. No one shall make you unsettled because they do not reply to you. They are not worth your breath. A bon entendeur, Salut.

Feeling ungrounded? Bring a plant in your space

If you are feeling a bit dizzy, anxious, spacey and ungrounded for most of the day. In other words, if you are feeling like all your problems are in a cloud above your head and you cannot be fully present where you are, get a plant in the room, look at it and remind yourself that you are rooted in the current space and time ready to deal with the task ahead. Your problems of yesterday are gone until then...

Are you a workholic?

A workaholic is a work-obsessed individual who gradually becomes emotionally crippled and addicted to power and control in a compulsive drive to gain approval and public recognistion of success according to Dr Barbara Killinger. If you recognise yourself, it may be worth checking out her work in more details and why not doing this test

Grow some humility

The world does not revolve around you. Your importance is just insignificant in the great scheme of things. This being said, if you want the world to change, it is time to start asking for help. Together we are stronger

How to stop worrying about Money

One of the best ways to stop worrying about money is first understanding exactly what it is and for this, I would advise anyone to actually watch Positive Money videos on Youtube on how money is created and what it actually is. To learn even more about it you can read their book : Modernising Money: Why Our Monetary System is Broken and How it Can be Fixed From there, the question you have to ask yourself is what are the strategies I can possibly implement to ensure that money issues do not impact on mental health. If you feel that you are struggling financially and that the issue of money is taking a toll on you, please refer to a GP or a counsellor to help you, talk to your friend and family, keep a diary. Ultimately, you have to find a way to make the issue of money not causing further issues in your being. I wish you good luck with this. It is only the beginning of the journey to realise that you and everything around you have intrinsic value and it is down to you to recogni

Clean the floor

Many people came to your home. There are marks of their presence everywhere. You look at the floor, you think of them. Get them out of your home, once and for all. Clean the floor

Learning the Violin as an Adult

It is now approximately a year and six months that I am learning to play the violin. I started the violin because my friend and now tutor shared with me her philosophy of teaching children to learn this musical instrument. I was taken by what she shared with me. It resonated because I was experiencing difficult life events at the time, learning the violin appeared to be a potential solution to my problems. She told me that she teaches the violin through the Suzuki method. Her main role as a teacher and mentor is to help her pupils to deal with and express difficult emotions through music. Learning the violin is hard and going through life is not always easy. Hence, being mentored and equipped with the skills to deal with those difficult emotions are an asset which is not only useful in playing music but also in dealing with difficult life events. When I started to learn the violin, I was in a dark place. My father had just been diagnosed with Lewy Body Dementia and I could not fi

How to find inspiration when stuck - blog writing

Here comes the struggle again. The mind is blank. You have no idea what to write next. You are trying to schedule as many blogposts as possible so you can focus on other tasks to do. (inc. ''taking over the world''). So here is my 3 top tips to write as many pieces as you can as fast as possible: - think about your life purpose. - think about your audience and what they need - think about the next tasks you need to accomplish. Use the blog to define more appropriately each one of them to their utmost details, present the tools that you are using to help you define them further and here you have it. More than enough material to write about.