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Showing posts from June, 2014


Reading Anna Wintour harsh advice for fashion students resonated with me (click here for full article). I have been working with Sandrine Nyota for now two months. Interestingly, the young designer follow  unconsciously  to the letter Anna Wintour advices and I think they are worth following: STARTING YOUR OWN LINE DOESN’T GUARANTEE SUCCESS Ultimately, this apply to anyone who want to start their own business. Although I will say, success can only be determined by the individual in the driving seat as success for some is different for others. It remains supporting other successes by working for another designer or company can be extremely rewarding as we learn the importance of having a team around us to achieve greater high. Indeed there is not just one road. FOR GOD’S SAKE, FIND SOME GAINFUL EMPLOYMENT Getting a job is just so much more than covering the end of the month, it is also about developing relationships by helping others. At the end, it is a gain rater than a loss,

Hard Choices - Ruth Chang

Could this talk possibly literally change your life? Have you asked yourself questions such as: Which career should I pursue? Should I break up — or get married?! Where should I live? Did you have to make big decisions? Have they been agonizingly difficult take? If yes, you were probably thinking about them in the wrong way according to philosopher Ruth Chang. Her framework will most probably help you to shape who you truly are. To watch the video > click here  

Creating your business in a oil-depleted world

Humans are known to not being very good at imagining the future, particularly in the face of oil depletion and environmental degradation. We can possibly think retrospectively about the past and get inspired by others to create our own venture. However, will our blueprint of existing organisations really respond to the challenges of the future? In the latest Museletter of Richard Heinberg, Want to change the world? Read this first , a special message to would-be social changers is given if they want to stay relevant in a world where oil is no more the main resources driving the show. Our worldview, technology and institutions are currently geared up by the available energetic resources but if those disappear, what does it mean politically, economically, religiously etc... What does this mean for your business? Localised distributed system is highlighted to be the way forward. Are you preparing yourself to be closer to your customers and suppliers? I'll encourage anyone of

Keeping up with the team energy

The freedom in being your own free agent is thrilling. The togetherness of a team is wonderful with a positive flow which direct what and where we are going next. The steering group I am part of, Transition Leicester was bound to structure at some point in time. It depleted our energy. We were doing things because we had to do them rather than doing them because we wanted to. It affected the groups: some left, some did not feel they had the capacity to support others and favoured their own projects. We had lost some degree of flexibility. After an open discussion, sharing our feelings on the situation, we recognised that we needed something semi-structured, less formal, in flow with ourselves and what was happening around us. We are still meeting once month but we have a formal meeting every three. Other times, we treat our gatherings as social where other people, from outside the team, can join in to find out what we do, how they can contribute and how we can support them.

Finding a partner in the making

I love working on projects. I love working with others. When I started to be a volunteer coordinator for Positive Money in Leicester, I wanted to find a partner to create some events on the theme of money. This person had to be reliable, trustworthy and hard working.  I did not find the person through the various meetings and events which I organised or participated in. The individuals I have met were not there to collaborate in the way I wanted. They were looking to gain other social benefits. Eventually, one person revealed herself to be the right partner whilst I was volunteering to support her own scheme: Footpaths, a carbon footprint reduction community-based programme . I run some sessions with her as a co-facilitator. Through our preparation meetings, I shared my vision for Positive Money in Leicester and our two worlds merged. Since then, we are partners. Others got inspired and joined us to develop a taster and full day workshop on Money. After the taster wor

Have you got any tips to solve writing blocks?

Stuck in front of your blank page. I have been searching for some tips, bit and bobs. I am in love with Marie Forleo on Youtube. Seth Godin is also fantastic, he write a blogpost everyday bless him. His latest blogspost  in ' Search of Meaninful ' really inspired me: Write everyday and with Passion if not find another platform to express yourself. I have finally some good friends who are used to write, specifically academic papers. So here is what I gathered: 1# Shake it off, you are awesome - Stop saying to yourself that you have some difficulty to write, that you are too slow. Say, I am a writer and I am pretty good at it 2# See the end, before planning the journey - Think about what you would like the audience to leave with and put together all the ideas to fulfill this goal 3# Keep it short and sweet - go straight to the point 4# Don't write and edit at the same time - write and if you have did not write appropriately a sentence. pause. reformulate it. pause. wr

This letter is for you...

Dear Brother, Dear Sister, This letter is for you... Game lovers, drawers, procrastinors we are alike. like you, I fall easily in the proscratination trap, lazy lands and distractions. For my numerous pitfalls, I ask myself myriad of questions on why I did not do what I was supposed to. Guilt, self-critiscism haunted me as well as this question: Why are you?...Here?... Like that?  To forget my pain, I fed it with SIMS, video games, drawings, alcohol and television. Hopefully I found a solution and cannot wait to share it with you. First bring together two ideas which appear at first to be in opposition:  Life is, but a dream {12-D GAME} said Beyonce.  Like any hero in your favourite game, you need three tools: - A mission pad - An Appointment pad - A thought pad A mission pad is nothing else than a TO-DO LIST. The tool is ultimately for incremental design ;), you write new task which you need to accomplish in order to get to the next level of your life plan. Sm

Time for reinvention

Have you met recently someone who has strengthened a deep seated eagerness for reinvention?  Have you been contemplating change and yet haven't managed to make it reality?  Have you experience magic moments where what you've desired manifested itself? If you've answered yes to all those questions, it is probably time to get to the sketching board. Define with clarity what are you looking for. Recognise all the self-limiting beliefs that are stopping you to achieve your goals.  Work through each of your issues to unlock your fuel potential.  Remember the end is not the most important things, the journey is.

Football and its tribalism

In the splurge of the world cup, tribalism is at his peak. The movement is upsetting some and exhilarating others. Movements create a wave of energy which no one can quite predict. Individuals gather together in a liberal fashion with the hopes of getting something and with the concerns that they might tie themselves up to ideals which in the future would not align with their values. Tough, particularly for voluntary initiatives which rely solely on freewill. The awareness of those cycle of energies are key if we want to remain settled within our emotions. Alike the world cup, the answer might be to create the momentum at certain points in time. Our tribes members will get the chance to put together their gears and join us all to create history.

Do you need to be an expert to talk about money?

Debates tend to bring together expert researchers and politicians arguing on the steps forward for the future of humanity. Experts have always good arguments and counter-attack to keep the discussion going and confuse us in the midst of details and jargon. But us, lambda individuals, what can we possibly do? Learn and share Ian Tennant from Positive Money Uk explained today at the Leicester secular society how money is created by commercial banks and the consequences this have on the rest of the economy and our state of democracy. Did you know that 3% of the money available is cash (coins and notes) and 97% is money created by commercial banks? Did you know that between 1970 and 2012 the money supply increased from £25 billion to £2050 billion? What shocked me was the idea that a non elected body (commercial banks 80 board members) decide how the 2.9 trillion created by them will be spent. The government has 650 parliamentaries and 2.1 trillions to allocate. Isn't there a more

What's on this weekend in Leicester?

If you are looking for some alternative events to join, this is what is happening in Leicester Footpaths : Green Open Homes and Living on the 14th and 15th of June. 9 houses in Leicester are opening their homes for visit. For  those interested in learning more about energy efficient measures, renewables and more, give it a go. Click on the link above to find out more LessBig - Building an Earth Oven at Saffron acres  on Saturday 14th from 10.30am to 5pm - Click on the link for more information Positive Money - Ian Tennant talks about how to stop banks are ruining the show  at Leicester secular society on Sunday 15th at 6.30 start. For more info on the event > click here Et Voila

Shall we have a Repair party?

In the summer edition of Transition Free Press, I read an article written by Charlotte Du Cann about the Restart Project . Hence I will be looking into the particular issue of getting electrical goods back for re-manufacturing from next year onward, I found the initiative absolutely fascinating. Watching Jane Gunter talking about her initiative in TedX talk in Brixton (click  here  for a video) inspired me as such initiative redefine our direct interactions with people around us and our relationship with our stuff! Now, I want to start repair parties in the Leicestershire but for this I need some volunteers with energy and skills to share. So here is my call: For handy, ingenious individuals in Leicester and its surrounding area, shall we have a REPAIR PARTY? If you want to volunteer, put comments in the box below and/or send me a direct message on twitter @mlgisfree 

Highlight of my day - Most public debts illegitimate

It was rightly so the highlight of my day. 9:16 - I opened my guardian app on my way to work. Scroll down to get to the comments section and here it is:   'The French are right: tear up public debt - most of it is illegitimate anyway '  by  Razmig Keucheyan . I am rightly french and highly involved with Positive Money . We have a group in Leicester that you are welcome to join if you are interested send us an email by clicking here Thinking that 60% of public debt is most likely to be illegitimate and it is not even possible to name the debt holders makes me wonder why we are in such a state of austerity. Is it only there to favour our social elites? I am voting for a debt jubilee, right there! Let's hope we can follow the steps suggested in the article: 1) Debt audits in all countries 2) The disclosure of the identity of debt holders 3) The socialisation of the banking system  To understand those various steps and get more info on the research, check the

Riverside Festival - aftermath

It was the second year I was participating in the Riverside Festival as a volunteer under Transition Leicester tent. It was a different but very satisfying experience compared to last year. The festival appeared to have grown in size. There were wonderful display of collective efforts both musical and colourful!  Some Pictures

Keynes vs Minsky

I am a beginner in economics but reading Positive Money book 'Modernising Money' by Ben Dyson and Andrew Jackson. My interest grew in the work of Minsky and encouraged me to read more about Keynes. Keynes economics promote the view that in the long run economics system converge into an equilibrium with the support of the government. Nevertheless you cannot help the role of banks in the system and wonder after reading the following quote: “But this long run is a misleading guide to current affairs. In the long run we are all dead. Economists set themselves too easy, too useless a task if in tempestuous seasons they can only tell us that when the storm is long past the ocean is flat again.”   (Keynes, 1923) This imply that economists did not comprehend why we had a financial crisis and collapse.  Minsky with  his model 'Financial Instability Hypothesis' strive to answer this question.  The idea in Minsky's work in a 'simplistic summary is that in very

The Moneyless Manifesto by Mark Boyle - Review

I have recently read, Mark Boyle's Moneyless Manifesto. It resonated with me in many ways. He highlights the extent to which we are disconnected from the system which support out lives as we strive through and around the lenses of money. During my master thesis with the Ellen MacArthur Foundation at Cranfield University, those who I interviewed highlighted this issue as the main challenge to achieve a truly sustainable system. Individuals, businesses, politicians and educators are all slow down in their innovation pathways by the money paragdim. But the question remain can we really live without Money? Mark Boyle did it over three years. Throughout the book, he offers advices and personal experiences to support the idea that it is possible to do without. Other authors, researchers, practitioners in their own field offer guidance on how to implement some solutions for a moneyless living. Sometimes, his own experience such as successful healing from an infection using p