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Showing posts from February, 2019

Asset-Based Community Workshop in London, March 13 & 14 2019

This is the workshop you need to attend if you are involved with communities. It is the ABCD you need to promote Citizen Participation at a neighbourhood level. It is a two day workshop, hosted by Cormac Russell, exploring asset Based Community Development and Sarah Burns (Head of Communities) from Croydon Voluntary Action. If you are not familiar with Cormac Russell, watch this amazing video of him where he explained how we can support community by helping each one of their members how special each of them are. I was first introduced to the ABCD programme by a colleague of mine called Deana Wildgoose she run the Hero Project CIC where they empower communities with tools so they can reach their dr " Nurture Development have mentored Croydon Voluntary Action (CVA) in Asset Based Community Development since early 2011. CVA have gained a wealth of local community building stories to share and are now delighted to partner with Nurture Development to offer a UK wide programme of

Let's Repair with Market Harborough Fixers

IT IS TIME FOR EVERYONE TO JOIN  Market Harborough Fixers  specifically if you live in and around Market Harborough, have an item to fix, have the skill to fix, have the dream that one day every single town and villages have a repair café every month! Share this post with your contacts in Leicestershire Yesterday, Divya and I travelled from Leicester to  Canvas Cafe  in Great Oxendon, approximately 2 Miles Away from Market Harborough. We were welcomed by Lara and Jen who run the Canvas Café and the  Country Bumpkin Yurts  and Steven who is running a food growing project on site to support people with mental health issues. He is also involved in a number of projects in the area. I brought a projector from the  Leicester Hackspace , yet it was easily figured that a lovely conversation around a cup of tea was more appropriate. We received pertinent questions when it comes to trying to organise a repair café, the possible footfalls, how to manage expectations of the visitors an

Scared to change - the opposite is true part

I lose relationships. It is the beginning of new possibilities for change. I control, manipulate so that only the people who are ready to change stay. I deceive, reject so that only the people who want to stay, stay. I am decisive in the way I deal with others. I always play my parts so they can grow. I love transforming. I allow myself to lose any parts of who I am so a new side of myself may emerge. I know when this happens, it creates havoc in people's lives so they realise that they have to change too. I deliberately choose to be whatever I need to be so I can grow and evolve as well as all the people around me! It is unsafe, risky, naughty. I love it, it makes me so happy, I am meeting everyone's expectations and beyond. I am experiencing deep relationships with people who stay, I am opening new doors to opportunities. Those who underestimate me, better watch out, I will force them to find their path to happiness there.

Scared to change - the opposite is true part 1 #relationships #opposite #truelove #fear

I fear losing relationships. For those reasons, I can be controlling, manipulating to keep them and/or I can also be deceiving and rejecting people so I do not have to go through the heartache of losing them. It makes me quite indecisive in the way I deal with others. Shall I play along or shall I not? The unfortunate thing is that I also act out of fear with parts of myself. I do not allow myself to evolve because I am scared of what will emerge, I am scared that the real me will create havoc in people lives and make it worse, I am scared of myself. So I choose deliberately to be small, insignificant, ugly, unreliable, poor, untrustworthy, lazy. I do love to be all those things. It is safer for everyone, Yet, weirdly enough, it also makes me unhappy that I am not meeting some of partners expectations. I am losing those relationships, I am closing doors to opportunities. Those who believe that I am so much more than what I chose to be. I create Havoc there. It appears that I am nev

And if i am unable to control ny emotions

If I am unable to control my emotions, what shall I do about it? Am I really just a bad person, a crazy person, an hysterical person to just get angry sometimes. Am I just someone to give up upon? Shall I just stay alone so that I ensure that I hurt no one. Shall I just stop talking so I ensure I hurt nobody. Shall I just disappear so everyone can get on to get the life they always wanted to have and be with people who never get angry sometimes. I feel like I am so undeserving of anyone love. I destroy everything I touch. My heart is so broken with disappointment in myself. I feel like there is no way out. Whatever I do, I am constantly reminded how disappointing I am as a person.  even trying to fake what I am does not work, the real me -emotional, outrageous and angry- always comes out and wreck everything. How can i trust others if I cannot even trust myself, my actions, my judgement? I am constantly reminded how blind, unaware,unconscious of the reality around  me? I want pea

Seeing a goddess

She is the most beautiful being I have ever met. The strongest so far. She has been completely destroyed by life. Yet she has this beliefs that God is part of who she is. He is in her heart. It is through what she does each day that he expresses himself. She keeps reminding me to breathe in the goodness and to strive my best to love truly who I am and to be here in the present.

Broken heart part 2

We felt slightly restless. Once more. In our holographic plane, they appeared. She was working on removing each stone and transforming them into wonders of nature. As she took a rest and look at the sky. She saw the bird holding him, watching her working. He was upset. The bird had no specific expression. She on her side started to feel restless and before she knew it half of her garden transform itself back into stones. Seeing this, he shouted, I want to disappear. He did. The bird stayed on. She then prayed that the bird join the man and transform itself into a human form so they could join in love. The bird changed into a woman and disappeared. Her wish was granted. As she looked around the garden now turned into stone. A stone asked: would they come back? They are with me in spirit, they know I love them

Broken heart part 1

W e decided to destroy the wall in our mind and use the stones for the foundation of something greater. * * * They were hurt. Their hearts were bleeding. A wall was erected to ensure that no more damage could be further made. A small bird was sitting on a wall passing messages between the two hearts. As the messages went back and forth, the wall got taller, the hearts got weaker and the bird got bigger. They could not see the truth. An attempt was made by one of the heart to put a window to speak directly to the other one.the other heart got scared and said "please bird, take me away?" As the heart by the window saw the heart and the bird leaving. She wept "if only I had the strength to destroy the wall". * * * A stone spoke to her "pick me up I am a stepping stone to your recovery''. And so the heart, pick up one by one each of the stone to create the foundation of something greater. It is only the beginning of the journey said one of the ston

Next Life - the virtue of rationality

Correct me if I am wrong. Is your self-interest to be successful in what your heart is set in to achieve? Are emotions from the past clouding your judgement? One advice to you - Play the Game of Reason! Are you impulsive? Are you repeating old patters that make you runhappy. Remember your ultimate purpose, being happy, creating a dinasty, having numerous collaborators and successful venture. Focus on the present, rewrite the past and the future is yours. Your children and connections will be inspired by the strength your display in creating the life you have always dreamt of The virtues of Ayn Rand may support you in implementing the life of your dream: *Rational (use our thinking) *Independent *Have integrity *Honesty *Justice *Productiveness *Pride Embrace them and transform yourself

Storytelling for paradigm shift #sustainability #circulareconomy

I truly believe that if we want to support people in creating resilient and sustainable communities, there is a need to be more visible. Theatrical and storytelling performances , public speaking in all are significant outputs that can inspire people to think about a different way of being. So let's get out there and get acting. The sky is the limit.

Transition Leicester 2019

Transition Leicester is still here for anyone to come along and ask for support. You can, I can, we can. We have a bank account, an insurance and a track record of experience we can share with starting initiatives. So if you happen to live in Leicester, have an idea our already started a project. Get in touch info (at) Transitionleicester. Org

The encounter

Sunday afternoon, The diary says that she needs to be at her certain place at a certain time to meet with some people. She is also required to bring something to eat. She jumps into the car and goes to her local store. There she walks straight to the reduced section. In front of her, a man, late 40s, blond hair, broad shoulders. She freezes. She knows that man. She does not know what to do. Say hello. Smile awkwardly. She turns around, grabs the first packet of crisps she can. She is hoping he did not see her. She can hear his voice talking to the cashier. She has a hat on, she s unrecognisable. She walks hastily to the car, gets in. She waits for him to leave. No encounter. We are all saved. Her body could not lie, she is connected to him for life. It was a gentle reminder that love s everywhere to be found

What people said

R: do not pay too much attention to people opinions. They all have one and they are all different so do not take it too seriously J: to be self-employed, you shall have more than one client Z: I shook tree and drew dicks on cars when Warsaw was under a spell of snow M: you are crazy B: I want to learn the guitar J: I have no money in my bank to pay you E: I am tired R: if someone tells you about what people say about you, do not trust them and do not pay attention to what they say J: I am a psychic this is my special power Z: there are a lot of pages to fill if you want to get a British passport M: I am leaving to A. B: I want to stop smoking J: I am not working on Sunday. This is why we going out tomorrow E: he bought us ticket

Is it a worthy battle to re-engage with those you have pushed away

This morning I ask myself whether I could make peace with all those I pushed away. Is it a worthy battle to engage in. Do I still need them in my presence now? My heart tells me that what was done taught me many things. I need to accept the learning and move forward. If the chance is given to me, I will meet the people I rejected again and we will be able to make peace there and then.

Is Corbyn a vegetarian?

She is asked a question. She needs to guess whether or not Jeremy Corbyn is a vegetarian. Instinctively she wants to say yes. Then, she realises two things. First, she is not certain that he is. Second, she recognises the person asking loves categorising people and have contempt for people  who cares about the environment, people like her. Whatever answer she gives, he will find a way to belittle her and she does not want to feel hurt and acts out. She decided to say that she does not know for sure if he is and for that reason she is unable to give an answer. He could read that she was withholding her guess and went on to give a tirade as to how he came to the conclusion that Corbyn is a vegetarian and then told her that she should not be scared to express what she feels. She realised that she was not scared of expressing what she feels, what she did not want was to be put in a position where she will become aggressive and angry after being triggered by his taunts because truthf