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Showing posts from August, 2018


She had tried for a year or two to make the hedging bush to recover and live again. She had worked so hard for it to get better. Before she knew it, a man fell onto it and broke all the branches. She stomped, she roared, she got very upset. What is the message she received? She will probably never know until she let it finally all go. Her attachment to the bush is to made her perished. Until, she wakes up and breathe in the storm of opportunities...

Here comes the flood hiding treasures of opportunities

You have open the gate to let people in into your space. Before you know it a flood of things burst into your environment and you do not know how to possibly order it all. You already had a list of things to do you put your mind on. Now you got stuff, new commitments, new projects, new follow up to deal with. You feel quite overwhelmed. You ask yourself why did you allow people to come your way. Pause. What had burst does not mean you have to change all your plans. Feed them into your project plan, delegate, go slowly. You will get there eventually. And as the flood goes as you clear up a path for it, you will find treasures of opportunities your way.

Responsibilities are Detachable so Start Cutting them off

Take a pen and paper.  Breathe and Ask yourself. What are all the responsibilities am I holding at the moment? Write it all down. Pause Order them into categories Breathe Ask yourself, Do I have too many stuff Too many possessionss too many projects too many commitments... Time to detach yourself from most of them Some you may not be able too. Other may appear unimportant and non urgent. Some may take time to get rid of but yet appear as priorities. Tag them and Simplify.  You will be better for it and a model for your peers to follow.

Ride Southern Winds to your goals

You may have for so long tried to follow the North Star. It appeared to be the only way to arrive at the destination you are dreaming of. You made a map of goals to accomplish. You shaped your persona and your tools to drive your boat as best as possible in the sea of opportunities. And then... Everything is going South. A rollercoaster of emotions comes your way and before you know it, thunder is here as your cold head focused on your goal meets warm winds from down under. You do not know how to handle it all. one advice: Go South. Ride the winds. The warm and not so warm. Yet keep watching your North Star. You will get there eventually. Do not fight against the warmth of your feelings. They may burn you alive or even worse throw you out off board

Some light a torch to start a fire ahead

Every year, you may organise a big gathering with family and friends to spark the memories of the past alive, to create some new ones and make plans for the future. Food, drinks, music, chatter are different tools used to light up the way. Until one abuse of one or the other. The food diminishes, hunger sets in. The drinks are abused, hangovers are on their way The music is too loud, complaints come along. The chatter goes from friendly to unpleasant, memories become tarnished. And so, some guests stops eating, they drink too heavily, they dance uncontrollably on the dancefloor harassing their fellow human and bumping onto them and they start to have rocks and slugs in their throat. Those ones always find a torch to set some fire ahead that may never be extinguished. In those moments, take the matter into your hand, throw a bucket of water on them and send them to sleep before the forest you have planted goes from fire to dust.

Robotic Humans

''Robots  that use artificial intelligence interact with their environment on their own without a control source, and can determine reactions to objects and problems they encounter using their preexisting programming''. After reading this definition, I identify myself with a robot. Who is the master?

If you Can Be a Dolphin

You need to get out. Join your peers and Family. Play!. Are you taking your responsibilities too seriously? Focusing on work too much. Please for a day, be a dolphin, take time out and jump through the waves.  A bit of laughter, joy and movement are no harm.  Engage your mind on fun to relieve stress and regroup. If fun does not sound fun.  Balance, Harmonize. Instead Take time to love one another.  Clarify what is important.  How you can help and heal others?  Join a community and celebrate how alike you are. If being human ain't fun, Be a Dolphin...


A kidnapper is a person who abducts someone and holds them captive, typically to obtain a ransom. There are many kidnappers in one life. Those who love you may be you holding you captive until all is gone. Your work is too taking away your childhood dream so you can keep running on the treadmill. A tree is too, it gives you air. Cut it, you may die. Find and name your kidnapper and weight whether you shall escape or stay. Remember though as you live one another emerge because the definition of yourself does not exist, you are dependent on others and the environment you are in.


I have been wondering how different my life would have been if I had understood from a very young age how important and incredible it is to share your gifts. When I was young, I used to paint and share my work of art with friends and family. As I grew, I dreamt to have my own magazine to share with my schoolmates.  I used to act too and I was found on the stage of theatres. I played music and you could find me in end of the year concert. Shyness discouraged me to follow through with all of it. Now that I am older, I am coming back to painting, music, writing and acting too. I plan every day, how I can share my gifts with others. Would have had carry on early with all of it, the processes would have been worked through and easier to manage. But never mind, I have many years to go unless life wishes to take it all away too soon.


It may be time to create a blacklist of companies to avoid and definitely refuse to  work for: - Those which are more than 3 miles than my home - Those which does not allow me to work from home - Those which does not allow me to work fewer hours - Those which pollute with no sorry - Those with negative employee reviews - Those which do not design products that are repairable - Those which do not put the wellbeing of their staff first what else, add to the list

Truth: All the world's a stage Shakespeare - As you like it

All the world's a stage, And all the men and women merely players; They have their exits and their entrances, And one man in his time plays many parts, His acts being seven ages.  At first, the infant, Mewling and puking in the nurse's arms. Then the whining schoolboy, with his satchel And shining morning face, creeping like snail Unwillingly to school.  And then the lover, Sighing like furnace, with a woeful ballad Made to his mistress' eyebrow.  T hen a soldier, Full of strange oaths and bearded like the pard, Jealous in honour, sudden and quick in quarrel, Seeking the bubble reputation E ven in the cannon's mouth.  And then the justice, In fair round belly with good capon lined, With eyes severe and beard of formal cut, Full of wise saws and modern instances; And so he plays his part.  The sixth age shifts I nto the lean and slippered pantaloon, With spectacles on nose and pouch on side; His youthful hose, well saved, a world too wide For his


THEY: Would you join our community? I: I tried and I can't I am already homesick. THEY: How can you be homesick? I: Well, don't get me wrong, you are lovely people but your food is too greasy and full of meat and it is making me are probably not getting sick cos you use to it, you have a belly protection. then you are bullies when I do not agree with you, you look down on me and keep asking me ' why and who do you think you are? You are wasteful, yet thoughtful and not politically engaged. You have created a bubble which is not in phase with the world. THEY: Who do you think I am? Do you think you are better? I: I am not better. I am different and I can't let go of those differences just to fit in your practices...I'll creates my own community using your model with people who share the same values and attitudes as me...

Mustard Seed Gathering - Are you a gardener or a litterer

I went to the beach with approximately 500 people who were all part of the same community of church goers from the Mustard Seed Chapel International It was my first time witnessing how church communities organise themselves and I was well impressed by the community feel, the love and support they give to one another. I found myself with people coming from different corners of England to meet on Bridlington Beach in North Yorkshire. The beach was beautiful and calm as we arrived. Before we knew it, music was blasting, children were laughing, waste was everywhere to be found, barbecues were smoking. Pure process of destruction before my eyes. At the day drew to an end and the fellows left the beach. Their presence was still felt as we could find plastic bags, food, children toys everywhere. I was disappointed and groaned: ''How unthoughtful?'' I liaised back the information to my friend and her leader. I was met with the questions '' Are you an envi

Refused to jump on the horseback

I spent the weekend with a good friend of mine. She introduced me to her community of church goers. I was impressed by how committed and big this community is. They try to lift each other through the spoken words of the bible. As I entered the community, I created curiosity, interest as much as opportunity. Questions followed: ''Are you going to Church'' Which church are you going to'' ''Are you a Christian'' Do you believe in God''  Then I answered it: No, No, No, Yes They reacted - looking down, disappointed, sad of my misfortune: ''if you don't follow jump in, you will probably go to hell when you die''. I thought: I don't know the horse, neither who tamed it. I ain't jumping on his back... hell and heaven can be created on earth... for what happen after death I am not sure.

Prophets' talents

Prophets are the most talented designer, artist, facilitator, community builders of all time. They developed a script which through the power of spoken words is transmitted from a generation to another. They used tools such as singing, dancing, painting, acting, costume-dressing and showmanship to lift the he-ART of the audience. All of us shall take to go to visit churches sometimes to see how a community is built and maintained through time and then use our imagination to build one which take care of people and the planet...

The Odds

She wanted to go to the seaside. She did not have neither the money, the transport or the company to do so. She thought of it often, dreamt of it always, drew in her notebook the beautiful beach before us.  She even rehearsed the shhh shhh of the waves crashing on the yellow stone sand. She had planned to see a friend for quite sometimes. She called her friend. The friend forgot about the appointment. Friend: 'ouuuhh I completely forgot, what a fluke but please come. We are having an event on Friday, then we are going on Saturday to the beach. Please come. I'll book an hotel for us. She:' (YES), yeah I'll come. I am a bit broke though, would it be ok? Friend: Don't you worry about that, we'll have fun. She is entertained, she goes to the beach and sleep in a nice hotel for not much. What were the odds...

Actor and director

The actor of a community needs to step out of his role when the day comes to an end and spends time with oneself to discern the direction to take next and where to put his energy in. It is to easy to go with the flow, following the shepherd because you have the role of the sheep. Yet remember the shepherd is also a sheep following another shepherd. You are both the actor and the director

The formula as you enter the chamber

Here it is, your first day at work. You enter the chamber. No one notice you. There are all busying talking to one another. It is a networking event. You do not know anyone apart from your boss. He is busy chatting up with who you assume is one of your colleagues. What to do? You are a competent, warm person you tell yourself, walk up to your boss and say hello. The machine will start spinning from there. Or grab anyone and start up the conversation. It is an opportunity to start forming alliances in this competitive room. How to do it? Maurice Schweitzer, Ph.D. and Adam Galinsky, Ph.D. suggest in their book ''Friend and Foe'' that the scientific formula to gaining people's trust more quickly is to strike a balance between warmth and competence - so that you seem credible but also human. Introduce your talent, keep smiling and be genuinely interested in what the person is sharing with you. It will take you places.

Largest Fearless Life Goal - To Enjoy Life

One of the most ranked life goal on is to Enjoy Life. It refers to  Being playful, carefree, lighthearted, enjoying life; being spontaneous; exploring, being adventurous; having an exciting, stimulating life; to live for today; devoting time to amusements, recreation, entertainment, hobbies. In other words, live with the flow and take what comes with a light heart. To achieve such a state, there is something to work on on the daily basis. This is to be fearless or more appropriately to transform what we fear into a source of excitement.  Did you know that we release the same chemical in our body when we are scared or excited? Remember the feeling when you are on a rollercoaster! You know this moment when you sit on a ride and it starts moving up the slide... all your body is alert, full of fear and excitement for what to come and then it goes down, relief and release of the emotions in a BIG SCREAM or LAUGH! As new things come  into your life, do not jump with f

Breakwaters Sound

The temptation to build walls at sea to protect beaches to be eroded seems to be a perfect plan. However, can one really breaks water from its natural course? The sound of the waves crashing onto the walls are a good reminder that the force is still there and this is only a temporary solution. It is not that different from trying to build a shell around oneself to deal with difficult emotions. The sounds of words outside the shell can easily break in and tear apart the walls we have constructed. Before we know it, we are consumed and annihilate from the inside out. What to do? Plant some seeds of wonder. Water them with your emotions. They may grow into trees so you can keep yourself grounded. Soon, there will be a forest, the bird will come, admire the chef d'oeuvre and sing altogether the tales of the one who stopped fighting water.

Hacking Adulthood or maybe not

Here are some lifehacks that will change your life if you follow them through thoroughly so you can achieve the life you always dream of... Lots of Money and a nice retirement pot: 1. Wake up every morning at 5.30  > So you can do your yoga, read a book, take a shower, have breakfast, do your meditation and write on a piece of paper what you are grateful for (i.e. you have a 40hjob, that pays you £20000 and house not completely paid yet but still)  2. Smile at work > Because people like people who smile 3. Overload with stuff to do, you are so lucky, use an app to help you manage it all, or get an IPAD > it will make your life easier. you will have just one more thing to manage. 4. Cook up your food on Sunday for the week so you do not have to cook at all and have more time for yourself > ... 5. Read 2min long story to your child, they will be happy and you will be quicker in bed 6. Put an alarm on your phone so you can remember to go to bed a

The Spirit Creator

So the conversation went like this M: Is there a god? Y: There is but not in the form that people think it is. M: So what it is? Y: I cannot really answer that question. However, you may perceive God form in the story that follows. It is a story of a young man who loves to read the story of the deceased spirits because he believes that by reading their books he will be able to find the secret of life. He is particularly fond of one book who tell the tales of this wonderful king and warrior who was touched by the grace of God.  He had built an army of followers who were ready to die for him so that God's ultimate scheme for his life could be accomplished. He is so fond of the story that he decide to become a follower of the precepts and advice of the deceased spirit so that he is able to meet his destiny. M: Isn't it how most religions are organised, we have a prophet who help us to find our way to God. Y: Yes, it appears to be a mean to an end. One must be careful t

The Best of Yourself

4am Eyes wide open. My head spinning and murmuring: ''It is time to wake up and hammer the object of your desire from two different directions with bullets of Love and Joy'' I get up from the warm bed, walk up to my wardrobe, put a trouser on and a t-shirt. I move swiftly through the night like a cat at midnight looking for his lover. I boil some water to warm my spirit with a cup of tea. I enter the office by pushing the door slowly. So I can gently wake him up It is there inside the black box on the desk. I get naked in front of it every single day, It is the one for which I pour all my being into for hours and hours non-stop Time passes by and I see it when looking up the clock, it smiles gently at me with his 24hour teeth and asks everytime I see it: ''why are you naked in front of that thing my love? You shall be naked on the beach, the sun touching your breast, the wind caressing your hair, and the water resting in between her thighs.

Human Evection: a periodic irregularity in human motion, caused by the attraction of ''ze undefined''

An evection is a periodic irregularity in the moon's motion, caused by the attraction of the sun. I extrapolate the concept wondering what it will mean for a human: Human Evection: a periodic irregularity in human motion, caused by the attraction of ''ze undefined'' Since I am not sure what elements in people life periodically elongate their courses of actions and distract their focus from their innate goals. I called it ''Ze Undefined'' Time for questions, please answer Think about a goal you want to reach for a minute. Now, ask yourself Are you experiencing some sort of Human Evection  in trying to meet this particular goal?  or in other words,  Is it an element distracting you from your goals If yes? What is the element in your life that periodically elongate your courses of action to meet this goal?  What is the element of limitless attraction which distract your focus from this goal? What are your feelings toward you

Beyond: The Microwave

A microwave is such a handy tool, so convenient, It warms the food in a blink of 1min30s. Every worker wants a microwave. It is 7.30pm, you arrive finally at home.  The bus commute from your work office to the confine of your living room took an hour.  You are exhausted.  Sitting down in front of the computer all day wore you out.  You are starved. Your belly is rumbling. You need food it is a matter of survival. Hopefully, your level of organisation has paid off.  You have food in the fridge.  Thanks to your to-do-list called ''Get Ready For Work''. On Sunday, you prepared a week worth of dishes to keep you going.  They are all in beautifully compact Tupperware you bought in your favourite or closest super shop. You open the fridge door, you take one Tupperware, close the fridge door, take your favourite bowl on the drying rack, open the Tupperware, pour the content in.  A warm feeling wraps up your heart and your belly. You open

Death - Repair - Live

The world is bound to go to entropy.  It constantly decays. Natural elements - Moisture, Damp, Expanding Ice - wear away the material fabric as they break, rot and decompose. Animals and insects breed, chew, poop. War sets in between planet earth inhabitants. Humans make mistakes over and over again  They also constantly exult aggressive tendencies towards others and themselves The entropic tendency can be likened to Freud's notion of a death instinct. The concept of the death instincts was initially described in Beyond the Pleasure Principle 1920 , where Freud concluded that all instincts fall into one of two major clasesses: life instincts or death instincts. The two classes are believed to be responsible for our behaviour.  The life instincts, sometimes referred to as sexual instincts, deal with basic survival, pleasure and reproduction. Death instinct emerges because as Freud put it: ''the goal of life is death''.  There is both an inward and outward

Part 3: No Water to Draw with or the Colours of Water

The Cosmic Blink It was in a blink of an eye that a cosmic change happened. Something changed. Something got broken. A water pipe in their neighbourhood burst, letting out a rainbow of colours. 1,2,3 blink, they wake up, walk like a zombie to the bathroom, no water. 1,2,3 blink, they change their mind, they change the way they see the world, the world has changed They are now faced with a cosmos of possibilities and uncertainties. A Rainbow of colours One by one asks: Do we have water in the cupboard? One by one walks to the corner shop: Do they still have water? Blood is boiling inside their vessel as one by one, transparent bottles are travelling out of the store. Questions spiral out of order in their black box: How long is it going to last for? Who would help me if things get worse! 1,2,3, blink,  they buy two bottles, they walk up to their neighbour, they stand in front of their door. 1,2,3, blink, they change their mind, they change the way they see the stranger