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Showing posts from September, 2018

Sometimes it feels like a...

A wall is between you and those who may be able to help you. It feels like you distance yourself from what it could be made possible with the support of others. Why is that? What are you scared of? The bad grade, the criticism, the rejection. Get over yourself. they are not your saviour. They are no one. If they cannot help you, someone else will because they want to. So give it a go, here is a hammer Break the wall.

Facilitation training

We will be holding our next Footpaths facilitation training on the 12th and 13th Jan, possibly in Leicester, maybe elsewhere. If you know anyone in some other part of the country who would be interested in finding the people for and facilitating a Footpaths group, please do give them my phone number (0116 2899074) or direct them to our website (  http://www.leicesterfootpaths.  ).

Horrid Airbnb Experience - Getting in touch with Airbnb

After our adventure with B., the recovering alcoholic, I decided to look through Airbnb for some cues on B. The profile of B. appeared OK. the people on the page did not complain of any issue with him whatsoever. Only one person said that ''he could not stay anymore in their property'' - does that mean that he could stay because he wrecked the place? or because they had a change of plan? Who knows. I could not even bring myself to put my dirty laundry out on Airbnb. B. has mental health issues. Am I the one who needs to make this personal matter public on a social media platform?  So I wrote '' B. cannot stay in my property anymore and I hope that he will find a group of people who will be able to support him''. Is it the appropriate language to use? I contacted Airbnb to let them know about B. - they gave me a call and kind of told me that I need to be careful with the people I am bringing to my home. I told them, yes but there was no indication

Horrid Airbnb Experience - Part 9

In part 8 - B. leaves. He reimbursed our TV. M. helped to get the car repaired. We thought it was the end. Until two weeks later, my phone rings... It is the police in Walsall. They are concerned. They found B. disoriented in the garden of someone. B. claimed that his mother, sister, cousin have died and he does not have any family. B. claimed that his car has been stolen and he does not have any money and places to go. The woman on the phone tells me that she found my number on his phone and thought she will call me. I tell her what happened with B. when he was in our home through Airbnb. I tell her that my husband tried to call his mum so he must have her number. She asks me to get it so she can call his family. I call my husband, retrieve the number pass it along to the police... A few days later B. calls. He is sober. He tells M. what happened when he was in Walsall and tell him : ' 'Alcohol is Bad, man. I have never been so confused in my life. I thought all my f

Horrid Airbnb Experience - Part 8

In part 7, M. get the beers and key away from B., we hope that tomorrow he will leave and he will be no more in our lives. I wake up, get myself to work and I go. I decide to give a call to the local charity that deals with people with addiction. They tell me that they cannot do much. They can possibly come to the house and try to talk to him. It is down to him to decide to get help. He cannot be forced to sober up. M., on his side, force B. to take a shower. He tells me that he never saw ears that dirty. He helps him to get his car repaired by calling AA. He transfer money on our account to reimburse for the TV. B. begs to stay longer. M. tell him no. B. leaves. He is gone. We thought it was the end until 2 weeks later, my phone rings and...

Horrid Airbnb Experience - Part 7

In part 6, B. comes back to the house with a pack of beers. I am alone in the house and call M. to come back quickly. M comes back. I tell him what happened. I ask him to get the key from our home back and to take the beer away from him. M. goes upstairs, confront him, take the beers and the key away from him. He comes down to the kitchen. M: ''He had already drunk 3 beers, can you believe this? he is sick, there is nothing we can do.'' Tomorrow will be a better day, we pray. He will be gone and we will come back to normality, we think.

Horrid Airbnb Experience - Part 6

In part 5, M. confront B. who is half of the man we first met. He cries and he is ashamed of himself. He promises he won't drink no more. We decide to keep him one more night and to help him with his car the following day. The night comes. M. is called to visit his sister. I decide to go with him reluctantly.  As M. and I come out of the house. B. comes down the stairs and said that he is going for a walk. I do not trust him. M. said to me to not worry that he talked to him and everything will be fine. We arrive in front of her sister house. I decide to go back to the house as I am not feeling well. I go back to the house. No one yet. I can hear the clickety of the keys in the door. I decide to open it because I know B. is back. He looks at me, scared. In his a Tesco bag with a pack of 10 Stella Artois. I am horrified. I decide not to confront him. He goes upstairs to the bedroom. I call M.: ''Come back to the house NOW''

Horrid Airbnb experience - Part 5

In part 4, M and I had filled up 7 bags of empty alcohol bottles and cans. Their content had all been drunk by B. It was time to find out exactly what happened from him M. goes back upstairs to confront B.. I stand by the door to listen in. M. asked him what happened. B.: ''I am so sorry mate, my car broke down. I could not go to work. I did not know what to do and it crashed on me and I got lost. Alcohol is horrible, mate. I want to change. I promise, I really do. It is just so hard. He cries M: You will be alright mate, you have to promise me that you are not going to drink anymore whilst you are in this house. It is time to take ownership of your life B. I promise I won't. I am so sorry. The pep talk keeps going. I decide to go to the kitchen to fix some food for B. He hadn't eaten all day and is still full of alcohol. I enter the room, drop the food. M. follows me out of the bedroom  and tells me. M: Babe, this is bad. He cannot leave tonight. he is ve

Horrid Airbnb experience - Part 4

In part 3, M. and me cleaned the house to his normal state. We found out that B. had been in the house on his own for the past two weeks. M. knocked on his door and found out that he was still drunk even though we left him the night and the day to sober up. What happened. M walked out of the bedroom in shock and went downstairs in the garden. He opened the bin and said to ,e: M: ''He was still drunk,  I need to know what happened in this house. '' I: ''Was he?''. ' M: There were drinks all over the bedroom and onto the floor.  I: Really? We opened the bin. We put some gloves on. We emptied it. We started to categorise what we found We found beers can - Stella Artois was the favourite brand. bottle of JD Wine bottle - red, white, pink Plates Cutlery Chicken Wings Pizza Chips We filled 7 recycling bags with bottles and cans. The content of those containers had filtered through his body. I: '' But What happened for

Horrible Airbnb experience - Part 3

In part 2, our home is wrecked and smelly. B. cleared as much as he could and hid in his bedroom. We went to sleep. It is now time to wake up.  We both woke up slightly upset but truthfully, sad for him. I went out to grab some breakfast for M and me before putting out head down to clear up our home. On my way back, the neighbour came out of the house. Neighbour: ''I was worried. Where were you? Who was this man in your house?  All the window were opened. There were never any lights inside the house at night. He left his clothes all over the garden for days. He came out of the house at night, then came back in like a ghost. He was very weird. I was ready to call the police to be honest. Is it a friend of yours?'' I : ''So, he was alone in the house all this time'' Neighbour: ''Yes, he was. No one else was in the house.'' I leave the neighbour with her questions. I have my answer. No one apart from B. was in the home. He did not

Learning to trust people again

This a long road to success to trust people. You may feel this way because you ain't trustworthy yourself. You may put the excuse that this is because you have been hurt in the past. well, it was in the past, you are not a victim anymore. Yet, I know the pain is still there. Can you abandon it? Can you transform it? Give it a new meaning? You may also know that with people come chaos and you ain't ready to deal with this. You may not trust yourself in managing what is coming your way as you start interacting with people. well, the future is unknown, you can only live in the present yet, I feel your anxiety. Can you let it go? Can you shift it? Can you make a plan to change? A plan this is it. be clear why you interact with people for. be clear on your intention. keep coming back to it when you get lost. Those who align to your inspirations are the people to trust

Horrible Airbnb experience - Part 2

In part 1, B. was introduced as a gentle soul which appeared in our life. We decided to leave him our home whilst we went away. This is what happened when we came back. We had a fabulous trip. We were refreshed and happy. It was time to come back though and we were eager to come back to tell our family and friends how it all went. We arrive at the house on a Sunday evening. No lights in the house. We thought it was empty. As we entered in, a swamped smell entered our nostrils. It was stinking beer being washed up all over our walls and carpets. They are bags of waste covering the floor in the kitchen, bottles of alcohols, dirty plates with eaten chicken wings. We entered the living room, the same mess in front of our eyes. The curtained are closed. It is dark. On my beautiful cream white sofa, a man with a hoody on. M: ''B. Are you Ok, mate?'' B.: ''Oh I am sorry, man... I'll get it sorted.'' B. is drunk. He is unrecognisable. We are s

Horrid Airbnb experience - Part 1

We had been renting a room in our house for about 6 months. We enjoyed the stream of visitors, yet we were looking for someone who could live with us on a more long-term basis. B. entered our life and we were pleased. He booked a room through Airbnb one week in, one week out. We fell in love with the guy. He was a gentle soul, funny and a bit shy. We had many things in common including our vision for the future. We liked to have him around. M. had started to introduce him to friends. People appeared to appreciate him. We had a trip planned. We were travelling for two weeks and a half or so. B. had lived with us for two months or so, we trusted him and so we agreed through the Airbnb scheme to leave him our home with confidence that all would be well. Off we went.

The Wedding

Year prior to the due date Groom: I want to marry you. Bride: I want to marry you too Parents: You can only marry if you convert. Groom: I will. Bride: He will Parents: We shall see Months prior to the due date He does She is pleased They are pleased yet suspicious of its intentions Two weeks before the wedding The groom gets a piercing Two days before the wedding The groom arrives at the house of the bride's parents to bring the dowry with a piercing in his nose The family horrified do not say a thing but passes the message to the wedding organisers so they can speak to the bride. The bride is tasked to talk to her future husband to not wear the piercing at the wedding. Wedding day The groom arrives at the reception hall with the piercing in his nose.  The lead organisers are boiling inside. They talk to the bride, she is boiling inside.  She has not talked to her husband. The lead organisers take the courage to take him on a side.

The Ultimate Project - Answering Why I do what I do?

She had for a long time been thinking that the skills that she wanted for the most part to develop was Project Management. So she could in her professional life, coordinate projects and achieve the ultimate goal of completing one. We quickly realise that what she actually needs is to develop the skills and abilities to focus her energy in accomplishing her personal goals. She had so many different interests that every time she set herself up with one goal, she found herself distracted with more interesting things to pursue. Her creative energy was so powerful that she could not indeed build upon it to create lasting impression on herself and others. Why? This is the main question to answer until then, any other attempt to develop project management skills will be lost in the vacuum of distraction. Answering the question is a project in itself. Good luck with it we said to her, you may be able soon to control your mind.

How to build Integrity?

1. fulfil your promises 2. keep appointments 3.  Before you make a commitment, stop and make sure you can follow through on that commitment 4. get comfortable with saying no. 5.  Pay attention to that feeling of internal discord when you are out of alignment with your goals and beliefs 6.  Get super honest and authentic with yourself.    Then learn to communicate it to others 7. Consider the habits and skills you need to develop to enhance your integrity 8. Avoid people who lack integrity

Nightmarish Dream

She was in her room n a white gown. She had her mom on the phone.  She asked her if she could ask her medium what was wrong with her. She could feel her mother in law saying there is something wrong here. The phone rang. Her husband said to her what is wrong with you. I don't know she replied I am so stressed. She could hear the home vibrating.  She ran down the stairs with the phone stuck to her hear. ''M. There is something wrong in this house.'' She entered the living room Then he heard a voice, loud, clear and growling: THE PROBLEM IS BETWEEN YOU AND I She tried to open the door to live the house, she could not. She looked around the room, no one apart from a dark shadow on the ceiling. She looked at the door again.  SHE WOKE UP. END


Type ''Friday feeling'' on Google and go to the images... How sad is the state of the working world to be so excited by a day in a week? Reflect Discuss and I wish you nevertheless an enjoyable weekend until then...

Dear Councillors of Leicester, Please Say NO to a new Road at the Full Council Debate on the 4th October

Dear Councillors of Leicester, I am contacting you as one of your constituents to ask you to speak in favour of the removal of the Evesham Road/Aylestone Road link road from the Leicester Local Plan at the council debate to be held on 4th October 2018. I go to Eversham Road every Tuesday for my violin lesson on Heyworth Road from Braunstone Frith. From there, I go to a community of repairers: The Leicester Hackspace in the Faircharm Industrial Estate to work on various projects to help people in Leicester to engage further with trying to repair items in their home. Over the summer, I went to the pebble pool on Aylestone Meadows with my nephews and greatly enjoyed it. Recently, I was made aware that there is a plan to make a link between Evesham Road and Aylestone Road.  I was disappointed to hear so. The road will erase some of the historical and social fabric of the space people have been living in for decades. It will also impact tremendously on the natural environment s

Failed to quit smoking, Learn to Breathe Instead

I thought I'll share my experience in trying to stop smoking and what was the trigger to completely stop. I have been up and down in regard to trying to stop smoking completely in the past two years or so. I'll stop sometimes for a month, then start again, then stop again for another month. I'll smoke sometimes only over the weekend, then stop again for few days.  My body was so confused that I caught some chest infection and got pretty sick. Nevertheless, I kept going on the smoky ride. I was fed up and wanted to really know what was going on. Time for reflection. Is it because of others? Is it because I am depressed? Is it just the addiction? Then I came across a video about breathing and how beneficial it is for the brain to breathe properly. I read around the topic of breathing from a medical and spiritual perspective taking into account studies made on yogic breathing techniques in tackling depression and other health issues.  I reflected on how I

Compromise is living with I

There is nothing worse than to compromise your sleep for the sake of relationships. Yet, we do it all the time. Look at the baby crying, the baby snoring, the baby wetting their bed. Look at the phone flashing light, beeping and ringing in the morning light The other, baby child or adult, the other, machine or gadget,  can be a monster in our life. Well, get over it. To live full stop is a compromise to make with I.

Phone addiction - No Solution for that - Only a discussion

Phone addiction is real and can wreck relationships Google - My spouse can't get off of his phone onto google. You will be surprised by the number of hits for that particular sentence. Men and Women are complaining about their spouses spending more time with lovey Iphone, Sexy Samsung and Cheeky Sony than them. So what is the solution to that particular problem? Well, there is no magic pill to end an addiction to a phone. The conversation around phone addiction shall not be about looking for a solution.  It should be about humanity and its relationship with technology and other human beings.  We have to find a consensus on what is the role of technology in our lives and if they are detrimental to our progress, we should question their existence and/or their features. Personally, if technology incites division, isolation, addiction, argument, dispute and possibly hatred, well bin it.

Gift economy trail of discussion

The conversation between two strangers arguing that a group offering a service shall organise themselves to make it possible for those who cannot pay to not have to pay. M: I am not talking about individual offering a service. I am talking about group offering a service and charging for it. They have to organise themselves so not everyone pays by using a collection plate so people can remain anonymous. this is the way forward for a gift economy. M: being an individual or a group does not change the fact that we have currently an incurrent charge to live in the current market economy and this includes paying rent, taxes and expenses. If as a group, we are delivering a service, we are already contribut ing in term of energy, money, time, the cost of the place, etc. As much as not being judgemental with what we receive in return, how many time do we have to send the collection plate around to make people feel that they have to share their gifts too and please note their gift does not

Free Speech in the age of identity politics - Welcome back to the future of young days' bullying

The blur is real. When I was young, I was sent every holiday, in one of the toughest neighbourhood in Paris where most children of immigrants can be found, to experience first hand what it means to be a product of your environment. I was bullied not because of the colour I shared with them but what I represented in their mind - the product of a middle-class family. Yes, I was born neither white or black. I identify as mixed race. I was privileged to be raised in a household where your creativity and ingenuity was more prized than any other type of achievement (i.e. education, getting married or making money). The experience made me appreciate even more what was given to me. The experience also forced me to be very selective in what I was allowed to say depending on the people I was with. Social oppression in the age of free speech is just too real when you are young and uneducated. As for now, I am more educated and aware that free speech is one of the foundations of our enligh

You feel that there is enough to get around - well there is a treasure in your house

Have you ever heard about the girl who had a messy house and used to complain all the time because she did not have enough money, she did not have love, she did not have anything to go about. She fights with everyone to let them know how horrible life is and that we all have to fight to get what we want. Victim mentality at its best. She meets a woman with clairvoyant abilities. The woman tells her: ''there is a treasure in your house''. To get it, the girl got to clean her act and deal with the messy house. Before she knows it, she sells all the clutter and in her pocket find the treasure... The moral to the story is : You know what the solution is to your problem, maybe it is time to see it, if you can't, clean the stage and your act.

People & Money : A Workshop about Money

I have been involved with Positive Money since my master thesis where my focus was at the time on ''What are the Design skills for the transition towards the Circular Economy?''. Whilst interviewing the various stakeholders during the thesis, one was particularly keen on discussing economics, how money works,  how people are blinded by its meaning? How did I come from discussing design to having a long discussion about money? Well, it appears that the creation of money and the way it is applied to motivate people to stay on the treadmill seems to be like water nourishing poor design and systemic issues at its roots. It cannot be ignored. After the master thesis, I studied money, how is created and how it impacts people wellbeing. I ran a number of workshops in Leicester to raise awareness. The Leicester Positive Money Group emerged and as of today still, exists. Yet, we have an idea. Let's start again to share the word. My friend, Danielle Teixei

10 reasons why Gumtree is Good for the Local Economy

Most of you know Gumtree the local ads website where there is approximately 1,772 573 as we speak in the UK. For me, it is one of the best local ads website one can find and I love it because I believe it is actually good for the Local Economy. 10 Reasons why: Because it gets good, money, ideas, knowledge, contacts circulating at a fast rate at a local level. There is nothing better than increasing the velocity of exchange to improve a city economy. There is no fee attached to posting an item on gumtree. It makes Ebay look so bad. Items that may be discarded and put in a bin because broken can be purchased by someone who is looking for a spare part. There are plenty more reason to actually be on Gumtree. If Gumtree was to giving me a job, I'll be there ambassador

Freedom Time - We heard you.

My father is both its state of consciousness and unconsciousness. He has Lewy Body Dementia. He has wisdom though in his cloud. I pay very close attention to what he says before he goes. I had my mother on the phone. She narrated her last encounter with him. He said: ''Why do you stay at home? You and Marle Toto. You have to come out of the house sometimes if you want to start collaborating with people.'' She replied: how do you know that your daughter and I stay at home? He disappeared. As my mum narrated what happened, I heard him. Yes, I enjoy working from home. I can be the whole me. No need to engage in the war of the minds, be dominated by any isms in the form of community cohesion or for some the doctrine of religion,  no need to conform to any vision or listen to the tell-a-vision. Drink and eat to please when you already full of aspirations. Yet, I heard him. It is Freedom time now. Time to free ourselves from the shackles of conventi

Renunciation, an expression of creativity part 3

Renunciation is an expression of creativity and creativity and innovation is an act of renunciation.  It is by letting it go that we can be who we truly are. Who are we?  An idea. Close your eyes Let go of your daily life, chores and worries Look at yourself. Can you see something. Nothing, You are flexible and Free. Stop imposing on yourself what society think of you and remind yourself  of your true nature. It is the only way forward. Find your he-ART.

Renunciation, an expression of creativity Part 2

A s young children, we're all creative. We draw sing, build, and dream. Life is Easy. All we need are food or fuel, space and time to be and express ourselves.  Yet somewhere along the way, we get lost and make life a little harder for  ourselves  because we think with our head and eyes rather than with our  he-ART.   Have we forgotten the simple act of breathing, the joy of being and playing with our friends and the sweet sound of laughing? ... Have we forgotten the meaning of freedom, closing our eyes and sleeping in the middle of the afternoon with no feeling of guilt? I do believe that creative confidence develops itself through renunciation of the high perception we have of ourselves in the eyes of others. 

Renunciation, an expression of creativity - Part 1

As young children, we’re all creative. We draw, sing, build and dream. Yet somewhere along the way – due to the influence of others and own insecurities – many of us put down these creative instincts. This is what Tom and David Kelley told her parents. Look, she is addicted to video games. she is in a bubble where no one can distract me. School misses her and she doesn't. She is aggressive and throws a tantrum when we try to stop her in her torment.Why did she stop to draw, sing, dance, dream? Why did she build a thick wall around me? Why does she refuse to reveal herself? Share her gift? The real I? Beauty is innocent and easily shredded. So hide it and be nothing. That was her motto. ... Because she believes that the revelation of the true self can be harmed by the influence of others, their jealousy, their agenda, their reflection, their unconscious Machiavellianism.